List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
580 Social science research for agricultural technology development: spatial and temporal dimensions sweet potato production systems spatial distribution geographic information systems livestock disease control farmers organization technological change information systems agroecological zones agricultural intensification small ruminant wheat cereal breeding

Dvorak, Karen Ann (ed.)


2653 Social transformation through environmental program for effective waste management (Modules 1-5). waste management collaboration linkages advocacy governance laws book

2640 Socially sensitive enterprise restructuring in Asia: Country context and examples. enterprise restructuring downsizing globalization economic liberalization outsourcing

Rogovsky, Nikolai; Schuler, Randall S. (eds.)


2049 Society and the water environment of Lake Biwa and the Yodo River Basin. rivers river traffic flood damage water quality sewage system conservation Japan book

1054 Society technology and risk assessment risk assessment methods risk analysis

Conrad, J. (ed.)


2514 Society, economy and Philippine development: Towards a social market economy framework for Philippine development. economic policy social policy social market economy social partnership governance labor relations retirement income system social security system science and technology globalization book

15849 Socio-economic approach to microscale flood damage assessment in a lakeshore community flood damage assessment; lakeshore community

Manlosa, Aisa O.; Valera, Harold Glenn A.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2016-1

2336 Socio-economic assessment of freshwater capture fisheries of Cambodia: Report on a household survey. freshwater fisheries women fish marketing system borrowing and lending activities income consumption expenditure

Mahfuzuddin Ahmed; Hap Navy; Ly Vuthy; Tiongco, Marites


88 Socio-economic constraints to yield maximization yield economic efficiency fertilizer use rice price ratio farmer's training

Cabanilla, L.S.; Rola, A.C.

book cpds working paper no. 97-14

1754 Socio-economic parameters of eggplant pest control in Jessore District of Bangladesh. eggplant insect pests pest management pesticide application marketing production costs health hazards

Rashid, M.A.; Alam, S.N.; Rouf, F.M.A.; Talekar, N.S.

book technical bulletin no. 29