List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
259 Socioeconomic study on peanut production in the Philippines Philippines groundnuts peanut production cropping pattern farm income labor utilization cost and return analysis credit financing extension services farm organization

Huelgas, R.R.; Manuel, P.C.; Gabriel, E.S.

book pcarrd book series no. 90

15759 Socioeconomics of climate change in the Philippines: A literature synthesis (1990-2010) agriculture, forestry; climate change; natural resources; socioeconomic

Sajise, Asa Jose; Sombilla, Mercedita; Ancog, Rico


1450 Sociology in the Philippine setting. sociology behavior social class rural communities population growth urban community religion culture deviance conformity

Hunt, Chester L.; Quisumbing, Lourdes R.; Espiritu, Socorro C.; Costello, Michael A.; Lacar, Luis Q.


1448 Sociology of development: Perspectives and issues. development social change theories underdevelopment technology industrialization urbanization church government school

Garcia, Manuel B.


15894 SocPen beyond ten: A process evaluation of DSWD's SocPen Program amid the COVID-19 pandemic social pension; social protection; implementation

Albert, Jose Ramon G.; Monje, Jennifer D.; Munoz, Mika S.

book research paper series no. 2022-05

13176 Soft-shell crab production using hatchery-reared mud crab mud crab; biology; species; molting; autotomy; regeneration; site selection; culture; stocking; feed management; water management; monitoring; economics; production

Tobias-Quinitio, Emilia J.; Libunao, Gardel Xyza S.; Parado-Estepa, Fe D.; Calpe, Adelaida T.

book aquaculture extension manual no. 61

489 Soil and water conservation (SWC) technologies and agroforestry systems upland farms farm management contour farming land management alley cropping fire control cover crops biofertilizers organic fertilizer book agroforestry technology information kit (atik) 1

1262 Soil chemistry : A. Basic Elements. A. Basic Elements. soil composition cation anions pollution saline soils pesticides heavy metals trace elements

Bolt, G.H.; Bruggenwert, M.G.M. (eds.)


1375 Soil conditions and plant growth. nitrogen cycle soil water soil moisture plant nutrients soil formation soil management soil fertility

Russell, E.W.


1119 Soil conservation and ecosystem management soil management nutrient cycling

Sajise, Percy E.
