List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13621 Seeing the forests and the farms together: Promoting the rights and livelihoods of forests and farm producers in Asia forests; farm; initiatives; farm producers; government book

1581 Seeking agricultural produce free of pesticide residues. pesticide residues industry case study chemical use residue dissipation pesticide policy stored grains antibiotics risk assessment monitoring bioremediation ELISA

Kennedy, I.R.; Skerritt, J.H.; Johnson, G.I.; Highley, E.

book aciar proceedings no. 85

1130 Seeking goodness more than glory in the midst of a rapidly changing society

Sajise, Percy E.


807 Selected characteristics of smallholder rubber producers in Aceh province, Indonesia rubber production labor use income Indonesia

Nu Nu San; Deaton, B.J.; Juniar Sirait; Artaria Misniwathy

book winrock working paper no.170

2134 Selected environment and natural resources laws, policies, and regulations relevant to local government units. laws and regulations, environment, environmental impact statement, mining, forest resources, municipal waters, book

3147 Selected food security indicators - Philippines 1990-2013 statistical indicators; food availability; food accessibility; food utilization; gender-based food security book

53 Selected papers on pesticide management and regulation in the Philippines. Pesticides rice production vegetable production pesticide use policy risk assessment Philippines

Magallona, Edwin D.; Sumalde, Augusto C.; Rola, Agnes C.; MacQuarrie, Patricia

book ermp reports no.19

13114 Selected reviews in biotechnology: Livestock, forestry, and fisheries artificial insemination; embryo technologies; somatic cell nuclear transfer; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; genomics; marker-assisted genetic evaluation; transgenic animals; animal health; animal physiology; vaccines; antibodies; biotechnology; animal nutrition; animal genetic resource banking; genetically engineered trees; traditional plant breeding; genetic engineering; selecting transformed cells; gene flow in transgenic trees; invasiveness; genetically engineered trees; biodiversity; regulations; forest certification; risk management; reforestation; stakeholders; aquaculture; aquaculture nutrition; fish health management; antiviral agent; antimicrobial agent; growth promotion; transgenic fish; disease resistance; cold tolerance; sterility; salinity tolerance; environmental sensor; pollutants; transgenic trials; mollusks; shellfish; crustaceans; transgenic fish; high density culture; microalgae; control reproduction; diseases; tilapia; seaweeds; aquatic organisms

Ayson, Evelyn Grace dL.; Cruz, Libertado C.; Halos, Saturnina C.


1081 Selection of technology for food processing in developing countries technology food processing human nutrition food science agro-based industries sugarcane cassava maize

Bruinsma, Domien H.; Witsenburg, Wouter W.; Wurdenmann, Willem


827 Selection water-use efficiency in grain legumes Groundnuts Water use Grain Drought stress Drought resistance Grain legumes Carbon isotope Growth rates

Wright, G.C.; Nageswara Rao, R.C. (eds.)

book aciar technical reports no.27