ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13087 | Risks, shocks, building resilience: Philippines | risks; shocks; resilience; economy; poverty reduction; social protection; agriculture; natural resources; industrial policy; trade; infrastructure; Philippines | Albert, Jose Ramon G.; Ballesteros, Marife M.; Briones, Roehlano M.; Israel, Danilo C.; llanto, Gilberto M.; Medalla, Erlinda M.; Navaro, Adoracion M.; Reyes, Celia M.; Serafica, Ramonette B. |
book |
2578 | River sand mining and management: A case of Cau River in Bac Ninh Province, Vietnam. | river sand mining environmental consequences cost-benefit analysis Cau River Vietnam | Nguyen Mau Dung |
book | eepsea research report no. 2011-rr7 |
15633 | Roadmap for scaling up Myanmar pulses value chain 2021-2025 | pulses; value chain development; production; consumption; export; genetic resources; Covid 19; market analysis; quality seeds; irrigation; farm mechanization; monitoring and evaluation; Myanmar | Tin Htut; Soe Win Maung; Myo Thu |
book |
1421 | Rodent biology and management : Abstracts of papers presented at the International Conference on Rodent Biology and Management, held at Beijing, China, 5-9 October 1998. | rodents population pest control animal physiology chemical control physical control epidemiology | Zhi-Bin Zhang; Hinds, L.; Singleton, G.; Zu-Wang Wang (eds.) |
book | aciar technical reports no. 45 |
2718 | Role of legumes in crop diversification and poverty reduction in Asia : Proceedings of the Joint CLAN Steering Committee Meeting, 10-12 November 2003, ICRISAT-Patancheru. | crop diversification poverty alleviation legumes pulses lentil mungbean | Gowda, C.L.L.; Pande, S. (eds.) |
book |
1697 | Role of multifunctionality in agricultural policy reforms. | agriculture multifunctionality food security environment | book |
1593 | Role of rural women in food security in Asia and the Pacific. | Women, food security, food safety, sustainability, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, | book |
776 | Root Crop Processing | root crops processing techniques traditional equipment potato yam aroids sweet potato cassava | book | food cycle technology source book no.5 |
2430 | Root crops in the Philippines: Status, potential, and policy issues. | root crops cassava sweet potato cowpea technology assessment credit policies Leyte | Librero, Aida R.; Palomar, Manuel K. (eds.) |
book | book series no. 111/1991 |
1812 | Roots and tubers for the 21st century : Trends, projections, and policy options. | roots tubers consumption production pesticides fertilizers water pollution biodiversity biotechnology | Scott, G.J.; Rosegrant, M.W.; Ringler, C. |
book | food, agriculture, and the environment, discussion paper 31 |