ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16368 | Resilience in our times | disaster risk management; disaster risk reduction; disaster literacy; resilience program; Philippines | Portus, Lourdes M. (Ed.) |
book |
16637 | Resilience of organic rice and supermarket value chains during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of the Global Organic Wellness Corporation | value chain analysis; pandemic; COVID-19; green revolution; organic farming; rice tariffication law; rice; organic rice; industry analysis; GlowCorp | Tacubanza, Elaine; Barreiro, Ernest; Abrina, Tara; Capacio, Jane Lynn |
book | up cids discussion paper series 2023-11 |
312 | Resource accounting in agriculture: A theoretical framework with some applications | natural resources fertilizer subsidy accounting | Francisco, H.A. |
book | rtpap working paper series no.91-04 |
1572 | Resource assessment of non-wood forest products: experience and biometric principles | resource assessment strategic planning national policy endangered species biometrics timber inventory harvest levels sustainability species overexploitation monitoring harvesting participatory approaches biodiversity inventory ethnobotanical inventory | Wong, Jennifer L.G.; Thornber, Kirsti; Baker, Nell |
book | non-wood forest products no.13 |
1021 | Resource ecology of the Bolinao coral reef system | slope fisheries reef flat fishery coral reef species diversity tourism livelihoods marine reserve overfishing mariculture cyanide fishing compressor diving | McManus, J.W.; Nañola, C.L. Jr.; Reyes, R.B., Jr.; Kesner, K.N. |
book | iclarm stud. rev. 22 |
2132 | Resource management : Public-private partnership and knowledge sharing : Papers of the international symposium-cum-workshop, August 27-31, 2001, SEARCA, Los Baños, Philippines. | partnership resource utilization food technology Aloe vera participatory regional development planning biodiversity conservation highland development agroforestry development Mussaenda pubescens Curcuma zedoaria Musa textilis Pinus merkusii genetic conservation natural vegetation biomass somatic hybridization potato bacterial wilt indigenous chicken Andrographis paniculata cocidiosis broiler finishing pigs traditional knowledge honey collection induced mutation Sauropus androgynus chrysant rabbitfish eicosapentaenoic acid docosahexaenoic acid Nilem fish egg production slash and mulch system undergraduate education upland farming conservation internet sustainable water resources management consultancy | Andriyono Kilat Adhi; Rachmat Pambudy; Burhanuddin (eds.) |
book |
635 | Resource management for upland areas in Southeast Asia: an information kit | upland development agroforestry systems soil conservation water conservation extension systems evaluation strategies sustainability diagnostic tools | book |
1271 | Resource management in rice systems: Nutrients. | nutrient management technology farmers crop management fertilizers technology adoption | Balasubramanian, V.; Ladha, J.K.; Denning, G.L. (eds.) |
book | developments in plant and soil sciences, volume 81 |
2080 | Resource management in the Ca river basin: Policies, people and poverty. | river system forest land use government policies reforestation program shifting cultivation poverty alleviation decentralization natural resource management community-based forest management legislation women benefit sharing | Tran Duc Vien; Pham Thi Huong |
book |
1148 | Resources and environment: Saving the present for the future | Soil erosion Pollution Nature conservation Resource conservation Resource management Environmental control | Sajise, Percy E.; Zafaralla, M.T.; Ganapin, D.J. Jr. |
book |