List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1946 Report of the Second General Assembly of International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet), 23-24 July 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. tropical fruits fruit production species on-farm conservation uses marketing fruit industry cooperatives sustainability Asia Bangladesh Fiji Malaysia Philippines book

621 Report of the task force on the damage caused by the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo and proposed rehabilitation/restoration measures soil productivity economy rehabilitation volcanic ash volcanic eruption Philippines book

475 Report of the tenth session of the FAO regional commission on farm management for Asia and the Far East, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-9 December 1989. Farm management Farming systems Agroforestry Small farms Livestock Cropping patterns Conservation farming Rainfed areas book rapa publications 1990/4

1782 Report of the workshop on population characteristics and change in coastal fishing communities. fisheries overfishing artisanal fishing population exploitation Bangladesh Philippines Malaysia India Tanzania book fao fisheries report no. 566

2534 Report on a review of ACIAR-funded projects on Rhizobium during 1983-2004. Rhizobium community impacts research

Herridge, David F.

book aciar working paper no. 62

3143 Report on the management effectiveness and capacity assessment of protected areas in the Philippines. Protecting our children's future: Addressing threats and issues in biodiversity protection protected area management forests marine and coastal resources climate change impacts NIPAS Law

Guiang, Ernesto; Braganza, Gilbert


363 Report to the working committee on human resources development and capacity building forum for the comprehensive development of Indochina IndoChina Cambodia Lao PDR Vietnam poverty alleviation rural development environmental management capacity building Indochina book

3058 Republic Act 10068 (Organic Agriculture Act of 2010) and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). organic agriculture National Organic Agricultural Program Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards National Organic Agriculture Board book

369 Republic Act 8435: The Agriculture and Fisheries and Modernization Act of 1997 legislation fisheries credit research development extension human resource development marketing service irrigation Philippines book

3059 Republic Act 9003 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) - The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 ecological solid waste management book