List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1433 Responses of timber concessionaires to selected policy instruments: The case of Peninsular Malaysia. lumber trade timber forestry logging Terengganu Malaysia

Mohd. Shahwahid Haji Othman; Awang Noor Abdul Ghani

book eepsea research reports 2003-rr1

2887 Responses to change in accessibility : Socio-economic impacts of road investment: the distributive outcomes in two rural peripheral Philippine municipalities. Socio-economic impacts of road investment: the distributive outcomes in two rural peripheral Philippine municipalities. transport infrastructure road project accessibility Infanta Nakar

Olsson, Jerry


1126 Restoration Ecology through Participatory Action and Interdisciplinary Research (REPAIR): a community-based resource management strategy for MFR community-based resource management

Sajise, Percy E.


3116 Restoring agriculture after a tsunami : The experience from Aceh, Indonesia. post-tsunami damage classifications agricultural recovery soil salinity crop management book aciar monograph series no. 159

2464 Restoring balances: Milestones of the Churia Forest Development Project in Eastern Nepal. community forestry women gender equity integrated natural resources management biodiversity ecological restoration livelihoods

Laubmeier, Peter; Warth, Hermann


1965 Restructuring and regulatory reform in the power sector: Review of experience and issues. power sector electric utilities electricity regulation Asia Bangladesh China India Indonesia Mongolia Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Australia Japan New Zealand Norway United Kingdom United States Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia

Choynowski, Peter

book erd working paper series no. 52

13556 Results of the assessment of the motor vehicle user's charge utilization in the Philippines motor vehicle user's charge; road funds; Philippines

Napalang, Sheilah G.; Agatep, Pia May G.; Navarro, Adoracion M.; Detros, Keith C.

book research paper series no. 2018-01

537 Returns to investments in the generation and transfer of rice technology in Uruguay investments technology transfer rice research Uruguay

Echeverria, R.G.

book isnar working paper no.30

2916 Returns to research and development investments for genetically modified (GM) abaca. abaca industry financial assessment societal benefits technology adoption

Dumayas, Elvira E.; Rola, Agnes C.; Elazegui, Dulce D. (eds.)


3145 Review and assessment of programs offered by state universities and colleges. state universities and colleges Commission on Higher Education

Manasan, Rosario; Parel, Danileen Kristel
