List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2336 Socio-economic assessment of freshwater capture fisheries of Cambodia: Report on a household survey. freshwater fisheries women fish marketing system borrowing and lending activities income consumption expenditure

Mahfuzuddin Ahmed; Hap Navy; Ly Vuthy; Tiongco, Marites


88 Socio-economic constraints to yield maximization yield economic efficiency fertilizer use rice price ratio farmer's training

Cabanilla, L.S.; Rola, A.C.

book cpds working paper no. 97-14

1754 Socio-economic parameters of eggplant pest control in Jessore District of Bangladesh. eggplant insect pests pest management pesticide application marketing production costs health hazards

Rashid, M.A.; Alam, S.N.; Rouf, F.M.A.; Talekar, N.S.

book technical bulletin no. 29

2375 Socio-economic parameters of pesticide use and assessment of impact of an IPM strategy for the control of eggplant fruit and shoot borer in West Beng. eggplants cropping patterns insect pests pesticides farmers health hazards postharvest handling integrated pest management

Baral, K.; Roy, B.C.; Rahim, K.M.B.; Chatterjee, H.; Mondal, P.; Mondal, D.; Ghosh, D.

book technical bulletin no. 37

236 Socio-economic research on food legumes and coarse grains: methodological issues Socio-economic research methodologies information collection rapid appraisal food legumes data collection data processing agricultural production book cgprt no.4

3036 Socioeconomic agricultural research in Papua New Guinea. socioeconomic supply chain Papua New Guinea livelihoods smallholder credit activity diaries floricultural supply-chain land-use agreements sweetpotato

G. Hickey


57 Socioeconomic analysis of the environmental impacts of the operations of the Makban Geothermal Project, Luzon, Philippines. Philippines Human health Crop productivity Environmental impact Geothermal power plants

Toribio, Ma. Zita B.; Orno, Jesusita L.; Bergonia, Alicia D.; Magsino, Annielyn P.O.

book ermp reports no.27

922 Socioeconomic attributes of trees and tree planting practices Trees agroforestry socioeconomic attributes eucalyptus tree planting

Raintree, John B.

book ftp community forestry note no.9

1777 Socioeconomic impacts of mangrove resource overexploitation. mangrove resources fuelwood gathering reforestation

Delorino, R.A.; Gelera, I.E.


1353 Socioeconomic manual for coral reef management. socioeconomic monitoring reconnaissance survey data collection visualization techniques data analysis gender sampling case studies coral reef socioeconomic assessment

Bunce, L.; Townsley, P.; Pomeroy, R.; Pollnac, R.
