List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
262 Smallholder agricultural development in Tonga : proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute for Rural Development University of the South Pacific, Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 12-13 May 1988. economic development infrastructure price policy marketing

Menz, K.M. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.24

3057 Smallholder HOPES-horticulture, people and soil : Proceedings of the ACIAR-PCAARRD Southern Philippines Fruits and Vegetables Program Meeting. value-chain analysis Solo papaya participatory action research Phytophthora palmivora nursery management phosphonate nitrogen fertilization Corynespora cassiicola red spider mites aeroponic system book aciar proceedings series

249 Smallholder rubber production and policies rubber industry rural development technology transfer FELDA agricultural extension policies book aciar proceedings series no.9

2165 Smallholder timber production on sloping lands in the Philippines : A systems approach. tree farming systems agroforestry timber-based agroforestry forest management deforestation timber production poverty plantation forestry social forestry upland farms maize rotational timber fallows sloping lands Claveria Mindanao

Bertomeu, Manuel


16124 Smuggling of selected agricultural commodities in the Philippines policies; tariff rates; agricultural commodities; smuggling; Philippines

Gordoncillo, Prudenciano U.; Quicoy, Cesar B.; Delos Reyes, Julieta A.; Vista, Arvin B.


2359 Social and environmental sustainability of agriculture and rural development investments: A monitoring and evaluation toolkit. agriculture monitoring and evaluation environmental sustainability social sustainability high-value agriculture livestock development rural finance rural infrastructure forestry development fisheries management

Punkari, Mikko; Fuentes, Marlene; White, Pamela

book agriculture and rural development discussion paper 31

2602 Social capital and cattle marketing chains in Bali and Lombok, Indonesia. cattle social capital marketing chains poverty alleviation cattle industry farmer groups

Patrick, Ian W.; Marshall, Graham R.; Ambarawati, I.G.A.A.; Abdurrahman, Muktasam

book aciar technical reports no. 74

2577 Social capital, livelihood diversification and household resilience to annual flood events in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta. social capital livelihood diversification resilience environmental hazards flooding

Nguyen Van Kien

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr10

1571 Social capital, local capacity building, and poverty reduction Bangladesh Philippines India Nepal Sri Lanka Indonesia Lao PDR Tamil Nadu China Mumbai Karachi social capital capacity building social assessments non-governmental organizations community development forestry management watershed management water and sanitation associations

Carroll, Thomas F.

book social development papers no.3

2594 Social capital, local government, and the management of irrigation systems in Northwest China. social capital Local Government irrigation systems awareness

Wang, Shun

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr8