ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
262 | Smallholder agricultural development in Tonga : proceedings of a workshop held at the Institute for Rural Development University of the South Pacific, Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 12-13 May 1988. | economic development infrastructure price policy marketing | Menz, K.M. (ed.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.24 |
3057 | Smallholder HOPES-horticulture, people and soil : Proceedings of the ACIAR-PCAARRD Southern Philippines Fruits and Vegetables Program Meeting. | value-chain analysis Solo papaya participatory action research Phytophthora palmivora nursery management phosphonate nitrogen fertilization Corynespora cassiicola red spider mites aeroponic system | book | aciar proceedings series |
249 | Smallholder rubber production and policies | rubber industry rural development technology transfer FELDA agricultural extension policies | book | aciar proceedings series no.9 |
2165 | Smallholder timber production on sloping lands in the Philippines : A systems approach. | tree farming systems agroforestry timber-based agroforestry forest management deforestation timber production poverty plantation forestry social forestry upland farms maize rotational timber fallows sloping lands Claveria Mindanao | Bertomeu, Manuel |
book |
16124 | Smuggling of selected agricultural commodities in the Philippines | policies; tariff rates; agricultural commodities; smuggling; Philippines | Gordoncillo, Prudenciano U.; Quicoy, Cesar B.; Delos Reyes, Julieta A.; Vista, Arvin B. |
book |
2359 | Social and environmental sustainability of agriculture and rural development investments: A monitoring and evaluation toolkit. | agriculture monitoring and evaluation environmental sustainability social sustainability high-value agriculture livestock development rural finance rural infrastructure forestry development fisheries management | Punkari, Mikko; Fuentes, Marlene; White, Pamela |
book | agriculture and rural development discussion paper 31 |
2602 | Social capital and cattle marketing chains in Bali and Lombok, Indonesia. | cattle social capital marketing chains poverty alleviation cattle industry farmer groups | Patrick, Ian W.; Marshall, Graham R.; Ambarawati, I.G.A.A.; Abdurrahman, Muktasam |
book | aciar technical reports no. 74 |
2577 | Social capital, livelihood diversification and household resilience to annual flood events in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta. | social capital livelihood diversification resilience environmental hazards flooding | Nguyen Van Kien |
book | eepsea research report no. 2011-rr10 |
1571 | Social capital, local capacity building, and poverty reduction | Bangladesh Philippines India Nepal Sri Lanka Indonesia Lao PDR Tamil Nadu China Mumbai Karachi social capital capacity building social assessments non-governmental organizations community development forestry management watershed management water and sanitation associations | Carroll, Thomas F. |
book | social development papers no.3 |
2594 | Social capital, local government, and the management of irrigation systems in Northwest China. | social capital Local Government irrigation systems awareness | Wang, Shun |
book | eepsea research report no. 2010-rr8 |