List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2474 Sourcebook on agroforestry technology: For LGUs, people's organizations (POs), community organizers (COs) and technology-transfer workers. agroforestry intercropping system farming practices organic fertilizer composting mycorrhizal inoculation integrated pest management biological control biotechnology chemical control cultural control pests and diseases forest tree diseases Sloping Agricultural Land Technology Simple Agro-Livestock Technology Sustainable Agroforest Land Technology Small Agrofruit Livelihood Technology book

2386 Sourcebook on community resource management for sustainable development. community resource management training programs training methods rural development sustainable development community participation ecosystems coastal resource management agroecosystems analysis waste management natural resource management rapid rural appraisal book

2461 Sourcebook on soil and water conservation: For LGUs, people's organizations (POs), community organizers (COs) and technology-transfer workers. soil fertility conservation soil erosion water management natural hazards watershed degradation deforestation fertilizer application crop rotation check dams ditches book

841 South Pacific indigenous nuts Nut crops Macadamia nuts Marketing Processing Pili nuts Solomon Islands Okari nuts Canarium Papua New Guinea

Stevens, M.L.; Bourke, R.M.; Evans, B.R. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.69

2554 Southeast Asia in search of an ASEAN community: Insights from the former ASEAN Secretary-General. politics and government national security economic integration foreign economic relations membership financial crisis haze SARS AFTA

Severino, Rodolfo C.


2077 Southeast Asia regional consultation on people's participation in environmentally sustainable development - Volume II: national and regional reports. people's participation sustainable development refugees environment government policies international assistance national assessment

Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC); Asian Cultural Forum on Development (ACFOD); The Asian Alliance of Appropriate Technology Practitioners (APPROTECH ASIA); Management Institute for Social Change (MINSOC); Wahana Linkun


1570 Southeast Asia subregional report for the world summit on sustainable development Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam sustainable development environment natural resource management governance urban planning infrastructure development coastal zone management water resource management policy reform air quality management marine resources Greater Mekong Subregion book

2555 Southeast Asian affairs 2008. regional economy bilateral relations political uncertainty economic growth ASEAN Southeast Asia Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Timor Leste Vietnam

Singh, Daljit; Tin Maung Maung Than (eds.)


254 Southeast Asian Agribusiness: Advanced agribusiness, course & seminar materials case studies agribusiness policy formulation case method

Drilon, J.D., et al.

book agribusiness management resource materials, volume iii

2328 Southland: A case study-based training exercise in policy analysis for the agricultural and rural sector. lower middle-income country population health statistics administration labor statistics agricultural inputs agricultural land rural population food security environment book