List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1343 Status of the Philippine tuna fisheries. tuna production species fishing gear fishing fleets exports imports marketing industry book pcamrd-dost primer no.18

1346 Status of the small pelagic fisheries industry. small pelagics industry export imports book pcamrd-dost primer no.21

840 Status report on the development and application of in vitro techniques for the conservation and use of plant genetic resources in vitro conservation techniques distribution genetic resources biotechnology quarantine propagation storage monitoring policy issues

Ashmore, Sarah E.


741 Sterility in wheat in subtropical Asia: extent, causes and solutions. Sterility wheat boron fertilizers genetic variability

Rawson, H.M.; Subedi, K.D. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.72

14265 Stingless bees nurture organic agriculture; agroforestry production; stingless bees; farms

Mostoles, Julie Amara J.; Mostoles, Maria Dulce J.


2352 Stock assessment approach for the Napoleon fish, Cheilinus undulatus, in Indonesia : A tool for quota-setting for data-poor fisheries under CITES appendix II non-detriment finding requirements. Napoleon fish stock assessment catch level model

Sadovy, Yvonne; Punt, Andre E.; Cheung, William; Vasconcellos, Marcelo; Suharti, Sasanti; Mapstone, Bruce D.

book fao fisheries circular no. 1023

2120 Stored rice insect pests and their natural enemies in Thailand. rice disease pests Coleoptera Lepidoptera Psocoptera Heteroptera parasitoids Hymenoptera morphological characteristics

Hayashi, T.; Nakamura, S.; Visarathanonth, P.; Uraichuen J.; Kengkanpanich, R. (eds.)


13130 Stories from the field: Women working towards a non-toxic environment organic farming; women; rural development; pesticides; non-tillage; integrated pest management; potatoes; community empowerment; agro-biodiversity; rice-fish farming; tobacco; organic vegetables; health; Laos; Vietnam; Cambodia; Thailand; China book

3166 Straight from the scientists : Biotech experts' perspectives and experiences in informing the public. biotechnology science communication book

1385 Strategic extension campaign : A participatory-oriented method of agricultural extension. A participatory-oriented method of agricultural extension. extension campaign pest surveillance weed management maize production population education multimedia

Adhikarya, R.
