List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2564 Social connections, networks, and social capital erosion: Evidence from surveys and field experiments. social capital trust games social connections

Gong, Yazhen

book eepsea research report no. 2009-rr11

1175 Social consequences of the financial crisis in Asia. prices employment income human development poverty social capital crisis

Knowles, J.C.; Pernia, E.M.; Racelis, M.

book adb economic staff paper no.60

357 Social consequences of the financial crisis in Asia: the deeper crisis. social impact prices poverty education family planning environment income

Knowles, J.C.; Pernia, E.M.; Racelis, M. (eds.)

book adb edrc briefing notes number 18

13113 Social enterprise: Work that uplifts human life human development; worker cooperatives; entrepreneurship; women; family enterprises; garments industry; biofuels; agribusiness; food security; rural poverty; socialized housing; green buildings; social enterprise; social innovation; education; training book

1144 Social forestry in land development social forestry land development upland

Sajise, Percy E.


15769 Social forestry in the ASEAN Region: Gaps and strategic interventions social forestry; ASEAN

Ramirez, Mark Anthony M.; Lecciones, Amy M.; Capina, Xyrus Godfrey B.


2019 Social forestry: The many benefits we get from fast-growing tree species. agroforestry fast-growing trees uses planting tree seedling kakawate bagras gmelina ipil-ipil acacia agoho falcata Acacia amarilla calliandra eucalyptus kadios cassia book

14558 Social market economy principles and implementation - Economic policy from a to z social market economy; agriculture policy; banking system; business cycles; capital markets; commerce and industry; consumer policy; economic ethics; education and research policy; employment policy; entrepreneur; environmental impact; environmental policy; environmental protection; budgeting; foreign trade; globalization; income; industrial policy; labor market; poverty; privatization; public enterprises; social capital; world trade order book

13641 Social media handbook for agricultural development practitioners agriculture; social media

Andres, Dustin; Woodard, Josh


3010 Social protection and climate resilience. climate change adaptation; social protection; resilience; disaster risk reduction; livestock; knowledge exchange; women empowerment book