List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13113 Social enterprise: Work that uplifts human life human development; worker cooperatives; entrepreneurship; women; family enterprises; garments industry; biofuels; agribusiness; food security; rural poverty; socialized housing; green buildings; social enterprise; social innovation; education; training book

1144 Social forestry in land development social forestry land development upland

Sajise, Percy E.


15769 Social forestry in the ASEAN Region: Gaps and strategic interventions social forestry; ASEAN

Ramirez, Mark Anthony M.; Lecciones, Amy M.; Capina, Xyrus Godfrey B.


2019 Social forestry: The many benefits we get from fast-growing tree species. agroforestry fast-growing trees uses planting tree seedling kakawate bagras gmelina ipil-ipil acacia agoho falcata Acacia amarilla calliandra eucalyptus kadios cassia book

14558 Social market economy principles and implementation - Economic policy from a to z social market economy; agriculture policy; banking system; business cycles; capital markets; commerce and industry; consumer policy; economic ethics; education and research policy; employment policy; entrepreneur; environmental impact; environmental policy; environmental protection; budgeting; foreign trade; globalization; income; industrial policy; labor market; poverty; privatization; public enterprises; social capital; world trade order book

13641 Social media handbook for agricultural development practitioners agriculture; social media

Andres, Dustin; Woodard, Josh


3010 Social protection and climate resilience. climate change adaptation; social protection; resilience; disaster risk reduction; livestock; knowledge exchange; women empowerment book

2948 Social protection for food security. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. food security vulnerability human rights social protection Zoning ordinance cross-cutting implementation book

1568 Social protection strategy. social protection social risks staffing development agencies book

1447 Social science for Filipinos. social science man society justice charity property land work wages unions nationalism education youth women church revolution state Philippines

Salgado, Pedro V.
