List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
873 Symposium in weed science weeds biology ecology floating weeds aquatic weeds weed control herbicide

Pancho, J.V.; Soetikno S. Sastroutomo; Soekisman Tjitrosemito (eds.)

book biotrop special publication no.24

2416 Synthesis of methodology development and case studies. land use SysNet research network land use planning nutrient management practices income cereal production environmental impact

Roetter, R.P.; Van Keulen, H.; Van Laar, H.H. (eds.)


2962 Synthesis Report: Adaptation Knowledge Management Workshop: Harnessing Adaptation Knowledge in the Asia-Pacific Region, 28 February 2011, Bangkok, Thailand. knowledge management models; climate change adaptation; adaptation learning mechanism; solutions exchange book

1693 System approach on agricultural production. agricultural development artificial intelligence computerization farm machinery postharvest handling grain drying book

2488 Systems and farmer participatory research: Developments in research on natural resource management. natural resource management germplasm improvement Mucuna maize land use systems Pucallpa pasture systems participatory research methods integrated crop management cassava soil conservation green manure seed production Peru Honduras Brazil Asia Indonesia Africa Uganda

Fujisaka, Sam; Jones, Annie (eds.)


14549 Systems concepts in action - A practitioner's toolkit system theory; management science; monitoring impacts; strategic area assessment

Williams, Bob; Hummelbrunner, Richard


1300 Systems research for optimizing future land use in South and Southeast Asia. land use planning yield estimation techniques

Roetter, R.P.; Van Keulen, H.; Laborte, A.G.; Hoanh, C.T.; Van Laar, H.H. (eds.)

book sysnet research paper series no. 2(2000)

1484 Systems thinking and participatory research and extension skills: Can these be taught in the classroom?. agricultural colleges curricula rural extension agricultural extension work conflict management student progress

Jiggins, J.; Roling, N.

book occasional papers in rural extension no. 10

16392 Taking stock and shaping the future: Conversations on extension agricultural extension; professionals; governance; advisory services; research; approaches; tools; agripreneurship; technology commercialization; ICT; skill development; livestock extension; youth; farm women; producer organizations; policies; uncertainties book

2304 Taking stock: Assessing progress in developing and implementing codes of practice for forest harvesting in ASEAN member countries. forestry policy silvicultural systems forest management practices forest harvesting practices training book