List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2683 The human face of S&T interventions. textile technologies small and medium enterprises fibers sericulture natural dyes Philippine silk Yakan

Delfin, Rita G.; Miguel, Arvi P.


2011 The human genome: Perspectives and applications. human genome cloning DNA forensics human rights genetic testing law human genetics legal implications ethical implications social implications

Padilla, C.D.; Ocampo, P.S.; Kintanar, Q. (eds.)

book nast monograph series 4

1261 The impact of agricultural production on the environment : Proceedings of the International Seminar, 17-20 December 1987, Chiang Mai, Thailand. agricultural development agricultural production watershed management environmental conservation conservation farming practices organic wastes agroforestry mangrove aquaculture



2433 The impact of artificial insemination on livestock production in Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the seminar 22-26 March 1983, PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna artificial insemination animal production livestock pregnancy diagnosis swine production book book series no. 19/1985

549 The impact of improved institutional coordination on agricultural performance: The case of the Nariño highlands in Colombia agricultural performance agricultural technology system institutional coordination sustainability technology transfer on-farm research

Engel, Paul

book isnar linkages discussion paper no.4

2292 The impact of irrigation on aquatic wetland resources - A case study of That Luang Marsh, Lao PDR. wetlands irrigation wetland management wetland conservation wetland ecology marshes land use water scarcity rice farming Lao PDR

Phouphet Kyophilavong

book research report no. 2008-rr6

2764 The impact of irrigation on household assets. irrigation household assets

Kimsun, Tong; Socheth, Hem; Santos, Paulo

book cdri working paper series no. 57

14425 The impact of Musa International Transit Centre - Review of its services and cost-effectiveness, and recommendations for rationalizations of its operations Musa germplasm; impact assessment; distribution; utilization; conservation cost; service evaluation

Garming, Hildegard; Roux, Nicolas; Van den Houwe, Ines


15724 The impact of SEAMEO SEARCA Graduate Scholarship Program on fellows of selected institutions in the Philippines graduate scholarship

Cedicol, Editha C.


1843 The impact of sectoral development on natural forest conversion and degradation : The case of timber and tree crop plantations in Indonesia. timber plantations tree crop plantations forest conversion environmental degradation policies land use

Kartodihardjo, H.; Supriono, A.

book occasional paper no. 26(e)