List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16540 The pest called credit insecurity: Case studies on agricultural credit programs for smallholder farmers in five Asian countries agricultural credit programs; smallholder farmers; maize smallholder farmers; rice farmers; Asia book

134 The Philippine Agrarian Reform Program: issues, problems and prospects Philippines Agrarian reform Industrialization land valuation land transfer

Cornista, Luzviminda B.

book iast occasional paper series no.30

194 The Philippine Agricultural Development Plan, 1991-1995 Philippines poverty reduction agriculture policy reforms empowerment programs animal genetic markets grains stabilization rice corn coconut book

1753 The Philippine agriculture and fisheries modernization plan 2001-2004. poverty agricultural growth fisheries rice corn livestock high-value crops book

2552 The Philippine economy: An emerging Asian tiger. economic conditions Philippines

Estanislao, Jesus P.

book asia and pacific lecture series no. 1

1985 The Philippine economy: Development, policies, and challenges. economic condition economic policy political economy exchange rate public finance agriculture industry services population human resources employment poverty inequality regional development environment natural resources

Balisacan, A.M.; Hill, H. (eds.)


104 The Philippine IPR system and its application to biotechnology intellectual property code biotechnology Philippines

de Guzman, P.G.; Cabanilla, L.S.; Calderon, R.P.

book ispps working paper no.98-11

591 The Philippine National Agricultural Research System: a catalyst for economic growth and sustainable development Philippines research and development crops livestocks forestry technology transfer

Dar, William D.


2346 The Philippine payment system: Efficiency and implications for the conduct of monetary policy. payment system payment services payment instruments Philippines

Lamberte, Mario B.

book research paper series no. 2002-05

13661 The Philippine rice industry roadmap 2030 rice; resilience; disasters; climate risks; policy; operational strategies; budget book