List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
794 The potato and sweetpotato in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region: Research results presented in a series of working papers, 1989 potatos breeding germplasm weevil cuttings yield analysis marketing viruses book

1094 The potato in the human diet potatoes nutritive value chemical composition food processing glycoalkaloids protein

Woolfe, J.A.


21 The price system and resource allocation. organization economic system demand supply market price consumer demand monopoly resource allocation linear programming equilibrium pricing costs of production

Leftwich, Richard H.


1232 The proceedings of the Bangkok international conference on graduate education towards the year 2010 : A multitude commitment to worldwide opportunities in concurrence with the 17th annual meeting of the Board of the Deans of graduate schools in Thailand. Graduate schools Graduate program management postgraduate education multimedia materials information network research centers book

408 The Purari: Tropical environment of a high rainfall river basin river basin river catchment geomorphology soil types geochemistry hydrology limnology sedimentation process aquatic pollution social environment

Petr, H.J.; Dumont, H.J. (eds.)

book monographiae biologicae, vol. 51

1743 The puzzle of social capital: A critical review. social capital

Quibria, M.G.

book erd working paper series no. 40

1257 The quest for nitrogen fixation in rice. biological nitrogen fixation diazotrophic enterobacteria rice xylem colonization

Ladha, J.K.; Reddy, P.M. (eds.)


13670 The Republic of Palau revised national biodiversity strategy and action plan 2015-2025: Promoting wise development to achieve conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity biodiversity; biosecurity; protected areas; ecosystem; invasive species; bio-safety; agricultural biodiversity; monitoring; food security; conservation; technology needs assessment; Palau book

129 The resource user's knowledge, the neglected input in land resource management: the case of the Kankanaey farmer in Benguet, Philippines Philippines human needs environment sustainable development human behaviour knowledge information technology deforestation labour GIS soil degradation spatial dimension information integration

Lawas, M.C.M.

book itc publication no. 52

2884 The rice crisis: Markets, policies and food security. rice market prices trade policies food crisis policy responses China India Africa Thailand Vietnam Cambodia

Dawe, David
