List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2533 The seaweed industry in the Pacific islands. seaweeds Kappaphycus shipping marketing cooperation Fiji Kiribati Solomon Islands Vanuatu

McHugh, Dennis J.

book aciar working paper no. 61

1342 The seaweed industry in the Philippines. seaweeds species industry products book pcamrd-dost technology primer no.13

2330 The Sierra Madre Mountain Range: A primer. biodiversity conservation sustainable development protected areas logging mining slash and burn unregulated fishing industrial estate development road construction book

1700 The Sierra Madre Mountain Range: Global relevance, local realities : Papers presented at the 4th regional conference on environment and development. protected area management crocodile birds flying foxes Schizostachyum lumampao whales ethnobotany land use biodiversity conservation agroforestry indigenous practices rainforests ancestral domains forest management indigenous people land conversion ecotourism environmental conservation livelihood Ifugao

van der Ploeg, Jan; Masipiqueña, Andres B.; Bernardo, Eileen C. (eds.)


1392 The skills of interviewing : A guide for managers and trainers. employment interviewing

Rae, L.


1877 The social and cultural dimensions of agricultural biotechnology in Southeast Asia : Public understanding, perceptions, and attitudes towards agricultural biotechnology in the Philippines. biotechnology media information sources risk assessment health safety benefits attitudes

Juanillo, N.K. Jr.


2665 The social sciences in agriculture and community development: a changing paradigm : Selected papers from the Symposium on "The Changing Role of the Applied Social Sciences in Agriculture and Community Development", January 29-30, 2008, Los Baños, Laguna, social sciences agriculture community development higher education agribusiness enterprise agrarian reform sustainable agriculture ancestral domain climate risk management food safety governance delivery of services community resource management sustainable development social development poverty reduction science and technology policy environmental regulation local government units streetfood chicken coastal fisheries management social capital integrated pest management poverty alleviation microfinance gender rice research nutrition development intellectual property management biotechnology biofortified rice

Rola, Agnes C.; Peñalba, Linda M.; Carada, Wilfredo B.; Paunlagui, Merlyne M. (eds.)


16434 The Southeast Asian state of fisheries and aquaculture 2022 fisheries; aquaculture; production; utilization; marine capture fisheries; inland capture fisheries; fish trade; fish processing industry; sustainable development; marine fishery resources; inland fishery resources; aquatic species; fishing practices; fishery management; habitat protection; socioeconomic well-being; Southeast Asia book

13135 The state of food and agriculture: Leveraging food systems for inclusive rural transformation - 2017 food; agriculture; urbanization; migration; rural transformation; food systems; dietary changes; international trade; foreign direct investment; globalization; farming systems; farmers; environment; natural resources; household; income; employment; diversification; wealth; agro-industry; agroterritorial development; agribusiness; public goods; book

13615 The state of food insecurity in the world 2014 - Strengthening the enabling environment for food security and nutrition food insecurity; food security; nutrition; undernourishment; Brazil; Haiti; Indonesia; Madagascar; Malawi; Yemen

