List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
562 The vicious circle of hunger and indebtedness: Analysis of the farming system of South-East Bombali District Sierra Leone Rice Tobacco Farming systems Income

Binder, K.

book farming systems analysis paper no.3(e)

1880 The water and poverty initiative: What we can learn and what we must do. water poverty initiatives water management governance water services economic growth capacity development disaster prevention environment

Frans, D.; Soussan, J.

book water for all, series 3

3030 The way to CO2 emission reduction and the co-benefits of local air pollution control in China's transportation sector: A policy and economic analysis. carbon dioxide emission air pollution China transportation climate change dendritical technical structure transportation sector Canadian Integrated Modeling System policy instruments clean energy vehicle subsidy

Mao Xianqiang; Yang Shuqian; Liu Qin


13088 The Weather-Rice-Nutrient Integrated Decision Support System (WeRise) database development; weather advisory; grain yield advisory; crop data collection; soil; water; Oryza simulation; calibration; validation; tools; data processing book jircas working report no. 83

1761 The wild and cultivated bananas of the Philippines. banana germplasm cultivars species classification botanical nomenclature

Valmayor, R.V.; Espino, R.R.C.; Pascua, O.C.


69 The yen depreciation and its implications for East and Southeast Asia. Japanese Yen financial markets trade merchandise exports

Brooks, Douglas H.; Felipe, Jesus; Rana Hasan; Siregar, Reza Y.

book edrc briefing notes number 1

1092 Theory determination and control of physical properties of food materials viscosity food texture colorimetry thermal properties food color food

Chokyun Rha (ed.)


13745 THink - The HEAD Foundation Digest - Bridging the gaps higher education; learning; digital age; disabled people; arts; youth; agriculture; international students; economy; food; Cambodia book

3118 Third National Climate Conference: Climate-related Risks and Disasters. disaster risk reduction book

16432 Tilapia culture: The basics tilapia; production; species; tilapia pond farming; feeding; harvesting; cost and return analysis; net cages; nutritional requirements; health management; processing; marketing

Romana-Eguia, Maria Rowena R.; Eguia, Ruel V.; Pakingking, Rolando V. Jr.

book aquaculture extension manual no. 66