List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
785 Tissue culture of Ipomoea batatas: micropropagation and maintenance Ipomoea batatas Tissue culture Micropropagation

Lizarraga, R.; Panta, A.; Espinoza, N.; Dodds, J.H.

book cip research guide 32

788 Tissue culture: micropropagation, conservation, and export of potato germplasm Tissue culture Micropropagation Germplasm Potatoes Clones Tissue culture techniques Meristem isolation

Espinoza, N.; Lizarraga, R.; Siguenas, C.; Buitron, F.; Bryan, J.; Dodds, J.H.

book cip research guide 1

599 To feed the earth: Agro-ecology for sustainable development policies polyculture systems ecosystem development agroecosystems sustainable agriculture sustainable development population

Dover, Michael J.; Talbot, Lee M.


1410 Tomato and pepper production in the tropics : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Integrated Management Practices, Tainan Taiwan, 21-26 March 1988. genetic resources seed production storage varietal improvement stress physiology plant diseases pests of plants integrated pest management cultural management water management nitrogen fertilizers genetic resistance salt tolerance plant breeding tissue culture anthracnose book

3076 Tomato, capsicum, chili and eggplant : A field guide for the identification of insect pests, beneficials, diseases and disorders in Australia and Cambodia. integrated pest management plant damage signs insects mites plant diseases plant disorders salinity beneficial organisms disease management practices book aciar monograph series

2975 Tomorrow today education system quality learning interdisciplinary sustainable development school feeding drylands challenges Citizenship Project Earth System Science transformative learning democratizing education book

13928 Tool kit for rapid economic assessment, planning, and development of cities in Asia city economic development; economic assessment; tool kit

Roberts, Bryan H.


2470 Toolkit on mainstreaming gender equality in EC development cooperation. gender equality poverty reduction food security sustainable rural development capacity building governance trade book

660 Tools for agriculture: A buyer's guide to appropriate equipment. Beekeeping Wool harvesting Water lifting Intercultivation Seed bed preparation Multi-purpose toolbars Livestock husbandry Postharvest processing Harvesting Threshing Crop protection Fertilizer distribution Sowing book

338 Total factor productivity growth in East Asia: a critical survey total factor productivity productivity growth

Felipe, Jesus

book adb erdc report series no.65