ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13670 | The Republic of Palau revised national biodiversity strategy and action plan 2015-2025: Promoting wise development to achieve conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity | biodiversity; biosecurity; protected areas; ecosystem; invasive species; bio-safety; agricultural biodiversity; monitoring; food security; conservation; technology needs assessment; Palau | book |
129 | The resource user's knowledge, the neglected input in land resource management: the case of the Kankanaey farmer in Benguet, Philippines | Philippines human needs environment sustainable development human behaviour knowledge information technology deforestation labour GIS soil degradation spatial dimension information integration | Lawas, M.C.M. |
book | itc publication no. 52 |
2884 | The rice crisis: Markets, policies and food security. | rice market prices trade policies food crisis policy responses China India Africa Thailand Vietnam Cambodia | Dawe, David |
book |
15857 | The rice economy and the role of policy in Southeast Asia | rice economy; policy; Southeast Asia | Briones, Roehlano M. |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2017-3 |
1204 | The rice marketing system: a rapid marketing appraisal in Cagayan Valley (Executive Summary). | production distribution milling consumption rice | Molina, Ma. Celeste M.; Menguita, Mary Luz L.; Banzon, R.D. |
book |
2017 | The road to Subic: Selected speeches on APEC by Filipino leaders. | APEC economic growth economics of cooperation regional cooperation sustainable development human resources development global competitiveness technology exchange small and medium enterprises | book |
430 | The role of ascorbic acid in growth, differentiation and metabolism of plants. | Ascorbic acid Stress physiology Metabolic regulation Plant growth Polyphenols Photosynthesis | Chinoy, N.J. (ed.) |
book | advances in agricultural biotechnology |
1646 | The role of infrastructure in land-use dynamics and rice production in Viet Nam's Mekong River Delta. | land use model investments | Edmonds, Christopher |
book | erd working paper series no.16 |
2946 | The role of local institutions in reducing vulnerability to recurrent natural disasters and in sustainable livelihoods development. | hazard vulnerability disaster risk management institutional response | book |
1154 | The role of the academe in promoting environmental integrity | academe environment | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |