List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
96 The state of rural road infrastructure in the Philippines Philippines rural roads infrastructure economic growth public infrastructure government intervention

Costales, Achilles C.

book cpds working paper no. 97-06

1347 The state of world fisheries and aquaculture 1998. fishery resources fishery production aquaculture world book

2225 The status of watershed management in Asia. watershed management rainfed farming farmers' organizations policies Asia China India Nepal Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam

Sharma, Prem N.; Wagley, Mohan P. (eds.)


1924 The sustainable business challenge: A briefing for tomorrow's business leaders. environmental policy environmental management sustainable development business strategy environmental issues

Willums, Jan-Olaf


14553 The technology trap: Where human error and malevolence meet powerful technologies technology; accidents; terrorism; dangerous technologies

Dumas, Lloyd J.


2223 The technology triangle: Linking farmers, technology transfer agents, and agricultural researchers. diffusion of research extension activities farming systems research management research technology transfer structural linkage mechanisms

Merrill-Sands, Deborah; Kaimowitz, David; Sayce, Kay; Chater, Simon


547 The training and visit system and the links between rice research and extension in the Matara District of Sri Lanka training rice research extension Sri Lanka

Seegers, Stephan

book isnar linkages discussion paper no.8

1469 The transformational leader: The key to global competitiveness. organizational change leadership vision

Tichy, N.M.; Devanna, MA.


394 The understanding of nature: Essays in the philosophy of biology biology teleology evolution living things organic modals animals

Grene, Marjorie


2302 The unfinished story of women and the United Nations. women family planning rights of women women movement gender mainstreaming Beijing Conference

Pietila, Hilkka
