List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1810 The use of environmental functions to evaluate management strategies for the Pagbilao mangrove forest. mangrove land use management strategy Philippines

Gilbert, A.J.; Janssen, R.

book creed working paper no. 15

1876 The use of genetically modified crops in developing countries : A follow-up discussion paper. genetically modified crops risks benefits food security food safety ethical issues licensing germpalsm WTO agreements book

15865 The use of nano-chitosan as biofungicide against Phytophthora capsici on four chili cultivars in West Java, Indonesia for sustainable agro-industry applications Phytophthora capsici; nano-chitosan; biofungicide; Indonesia; West Java

Dwivany, Fenny Martha; Esyanti, Rizkita R.; Nugrahapraja, Husna; Martien, Ronny

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2019-2

911 The use of natural enemies to control agricultural pests natural enemies pest control biological control Homoptera Hymenoptera Lepidoptera Acarina Thysanoptera predators parasitoids spider mites

Petersen, J.B. (ed.)

book fftc book series no.40

15549 The use of tannin for enhanced ruminant production, mitigation of enteric methane emission and alteration of fatty acid profile in beef - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph Series No. 4 tannin; ruminant production; methane emission; beef; professorial chair

Jayanegara, Anuraga


514 The utilisation of remote sensing in the South Pacific Remote sensing

Claasen, D. van R.

book aciar technical reports no.19

969 The utilization of fibrous agricultural residues as animal feeds animal feeding feeds crop residues uses agricultural residues

Doyle, P.T. (ed.)


16537 The value of economic discourse: Conversations that matter academic discourse; dialogue; conversations

Miranda, Twyla T.; Herr, Jeffrey


2287 The value of mortality risk reduction for children in Metro Manila, inferred from parents' willingness to pay for dengue vaccines. life dengue mortality vaccination children willingness to pay Metro Manila Philippines

Palanca-Tan, Rosalina

book research report no. 2007-rr4

609 The values of Philippine coastal resources: why protection and management are critical coastal resources coral reefs mangroves forest ecosystems fisheries water quality pollution

White, A.T.; Trinidad, A.C.
