List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2541 Towards the development of a sustainable financing mechanism for the conservation of the Ifugao Rice Terraces in the Philippines. rice planting terracing sustainable agriculture agricultural conservation water supply UNESCO Decalaration Ifugao Philippines

Calderon, Margaret M.; Dizon, Josefina T.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.; Andrada, Rogelio T. II; Bantayan, Nathaniel C.; Salvador, Myranel G.

book research report no. 2008-rr10

453 Toxigenic fungi: their toxins and health hazard mycotoxin fungi taxonomy ecology human health food mycology feed mycology food hygiene toxicology epidemiology

Hiroshi Kurata

book developments in food science, no.7

2624 Trade facilitation. trade facilitation trade liberalization GATT World Trade Organization Doha Development Agenda Kyoto Convention World Customs Organization

Ujiie, Teruo

book erd working paper series no. 78

1900 Trade liberalization, agriculture and small farm households in the Philippines : Proactive responses to the threats and opportunities of globalization. agricultural policy small-scale farmers sustainable agriculture free trade tariff agricultural development trade liberalization book

2576 Trade liberalization, pollution and poverty: Evidence from Lao PDR. trade liberalization pollution poverty WTO

Kyophilavong, Phouphet

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr11

1396 Trade policy and the welfare of Southeast-Asian timber exporters : Some implications for forest resources. lumber trade forest products industry export subsidies

Arunanondchai, M.

book eepsea research reports 2001-rr8

2674 Traditional and emerging species for the furniture and handicraft industries. tree species description habitat uses of wood planting materials seed technology nursery cultural practices propagation plantation establishment pest and diseases

Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau


13557 Trainer's manual on better rice production and marketing rice; production; marketing; farming; business; agricultural risks; climate change; environment; PalayCheck; morphology; growth stages; land preparation; crop establishment; crop nutrition; water management; integrated pest management; crop protection products; harvest; postharvest technologies; value chains; report writing; agricultural financing services; agricultural extension; services book

3091 Training and employment opportunities to address poverty among rural youth: A synthesis report : A joint study by FAO, ILO and UNESCO. training employment opportunity poverty rural youth book

2105 Training and technology transfer course: Performance objectives manual. communication process educational psychology training process training needs assessment instructional strategies lesson planning classroom testing evaluation of training programs instructional media visual media agricultural extension educational process book