List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15902 UP's pandemic response activities, program, and policies implemented by the University of the Philippines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic - COVID 19; pandemic response; activities; programs; policies; University of the Philippines

Cardoz, Kathleen Mai J.

book up cids discussion paper 2022-07

1113 Upland community development: Some ecological considerations upland development community development soil fertility biological constraints

Sajise, Percy E.


1301 Upland rice weeds of South and Southeast Asia. weeds weed management botanical characteristics

Galinato, M.I.; Moody, K.; Piggin, C.M.


520 Urban agriculture: Food, jobs and sustainable cities urban agriculture food security health sustainability book undp publication series for habitat ii, volume 1

14561 Urban climate adaptation from risk barriers to results managing the social, political, environmental, and financial risks of urban infrastructure - A resource guide for local leaders climate adaptation; climate change planning; risk barriers; social risk; political risk; environmental risk; financial risk; urban infrastructure; Thailand; Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines; Lao PDR; Cambodia book

416 Urban coastal area management: the experience of Singapore coastal zone management artificial seagrass artificial reefs coastal reclamation sludge treatment wastewater pollution resorts parks Singapore

Chia Lin Sien; Chou Loke Ming (eds.)

book iclarm conference proceedings 25

1409 Urban food insecurity and malnutrition in developing countries. Trends, policies, and research implications. urbanization malnutrition food supply food security economic growth

von Braun, J.; McComb, J.; Fred-Mensah, B.K.; Pandya-Lorch, R.


1641 Urban fringe agriculture. Olericulture urban agriculture policy peri-urban business opportunities book

298 Urban harvest: recycling as a peasant industry in Northern Vietnam Vietnam scavenging solid waste management waste recovery peasant industry social relations migration

DiGregorio, Michael R.

book east-west center occasional papers environment series no. 17

3157 Urban poverty in Asia. income-consumption poverty urbanization

Om Prakash Mathur
