ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15902 | UP's pandemic response activities, program, and policies implemented by the University of the Philippines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic - | COVID 19; pandemic response; activities; programs; policies; University of the Philippines | Cardoz, Kathleen Mai J. |
book | up cids discussion paper 2022-07 |
1113 | Upland community development: Some ecological considerations | upland development community development soil fertility biological constraints | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
1301 | Upland rice weeds of South and Southeast Asia. | weeds weed management botanical characteristics | Galinato, M.I.; Moody, K.; Piggin, C.M. |
book |
520 | Urban agriculture: Food, jobs and sustainable cities | urban agriculture food security health sustainability | book | undp publication series for habitat ii, volume 1 |
14561 | Urban climate adaptation from risk barriers to results managing the social, political, environmental, and financial risks of urban infrastructure - A resource guide for local leaders | climate adaptation; climate change planning; risk barriers; social risk; political risk; environmental risk; financial risk; urban infrastructure; Thailand; Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines; Lao PDR; Cambodia | book |
416 | Urban coastal area management: the experience of Singapore | coastal zone management artificial seagrass artificial reefs coastal reclamation sludge treatment wastewater pollution resorts parks Singapore | Chia Lin Sien; Chou Loke Ming (eds.) |
book | iclarm conference proceedings 25 |
1409 | Urban food insecurity and malnutrition in developing countries. Trends, policies, and research implications. | urbanization malnutrition food supply food security economic growth | von Braun, J.; McComb, J.; Fred-Mensah, B.K.; Pandya-Lorch, R. |
book |
1641 | Urban fringe agriculture. | Olericulture urban agriculture policy peri-urban business opportunities | book |
298 | Urban harvest: recycling as a peasant industry in Northern Vietnam | Vietnam scavenging solid waste management waste recovery peasant industry social relations migration | DiGregorio, Michael R. |
book | east-west center occasional papers environment series no. 17 |
3157 | Urban poverty in Asia. | income-consumption poverty urbanization | Om Prakash Mathur |
book |