List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1487 Vetiver grass for soil and water conservation, land rehabilitation, and embankment stabilization : A collection of papers and newsletters vetiver soil conservation water conservation nursery management erosion

Grimshaw, R.G.; Helfer, L. (eds.)


747 Vietnam and IRRI: A partnership in rice research rice research varietal improvement nutrient management pest management institutional building gender roles IRRI Vietnam

Denning, G.L.; Vo-Tong Xuan (eds.)


187 Vietnam's Agriculture: the challenges and achievements Vietnam doi moi socio-economic impact reform experiment agriculture

Tran Thi Que


1382 Vietnam's transforming economy and WTO accession. World Trade Organization rural development agricultural policy economic growth trade food security poverty alleviation government revenue price instability Vietnam

Anderson, K.


362 Village and household economics in India's semi-arid tropics villages households labor land income risk technology assessment

Walker, T. S.; Ryan, J. G.


2507 Village chickens, poverty alleviation and the sustainable control of Newcastle disease : Proceedings of an international conference held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 5-7 October 2005. village chickens poultry vaccines Newcastle disease diploma courses avian influenza

Alders, R.G.; Spradbrow, P.B.; Young, M.P. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 131

2485 Virgin coconut oil: State of the art. virgin coconut oil production health effects cardiovascular diseases monolaurin sepsis

Juliano, Bienvenido O. (ed.)


2716 Virtuous circles: values, systems and sustainability. sustainability sustainable development climate change fossil fuels food security rainwater harvesting biogas urban agriculture supply chains tomato ketchup carbon footprinting food sovereignty

Jones, Andy; Pimbert, Michel; Jiggins, Janice


1814 Virus diseases of banana and abaca in the Philippines. banana abaca plant viruses banana bunchy top virus viroses mosaic diseases banana bract mosaic

Bajet, N.B.; Magnaye, L.V.


2051 Vision for water and nature : A world strategy for conservation and sustainable management of water resources in the 21st century. water freshwater sustainability wasteland wetland conservation degradation water resources management subsidies knowledge exchange book