List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2876 Willingness to pay for the conservation of endangered species in four Asian countries. endangered species marine turtle whale shark Philippine eagle Vietnamese rhinoceros black-faced spoonbill conservation willingness to pay Sorsogon Philippines Vietnam Macao book

3156 Willingness to pay or willingness to accept: Determining the appropriate welfare measure when preferences are reference-dependent. riverbank erosion loss and gain

Knetsch, Jack L.; Mahasuweerachai, Phumsith

book eepsea research reports 2015-rr16

2014 Winning the water war: Watersheds, water policies and water institutions. water management governance water allocation watershed management policy Angat Reservoir Laguna Lake Bukidnon Subwatershed Iloilo Watershed Batangas City Cebu City Philippines

Rola, A.C.; Francisco, H.A.; Liguton, J.P.T. (eds.)


37 With our own hands: research for Third World development: Canada's contribution through the International Development Research Centre, 1970-1985. research ceramic animal production teachers rural sanitation aquaculture oral rehydration information system cropping systems fuelwood seed storage book

210 Women and livestock production in Asia and the South Pacific Region. women livestock production role of women Japan Korea China

Stephens, A.


146 Women in development: Cambodia Cambodia economic status women gender education and training nutrition family planning policies training

Ledgerwood, Judy L.


147 Women in Development: Fiji Fiji Demography Health and Nutrition Social Factor Legal rights education training employment generation income generation women poverty government policies

Schoeffel, Penelope


144 Women in Development: Lao PDR Ethnic diversity women education labor market food security nonformal education adult literacy legal rights agriculture industry gender grassroot network book

148 Women in Development: Viet Nam social status economic status education training macro-economic policies education Vietnam role of women

McDonald, Margaret


209 Women in Farming and Improving Quality of Life in Rural Areas in Asia and the Pacific. gender role of women rural development training programs nutrition policies book