ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2789 | Water quality monitoring manual - Volume II: Manual on effluent water quality monitoring. | water quality monitoring effluent quality sampling quality control effluent sampling salinity temperature pH | book |
2036 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note C.1: Environmental flows - concepts and methods. | river management environmental flows decisionmaking process | Brown, Catherine; King, Jacqueline |
book |
2037 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note C.2: Environmental flows - case studies. | river ecosystems environmental flows | King, Jacqueline; Brown, Catherine |
book |
2038 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note C.3: Environmental flows - Flood flows. | floods flood releases dams | Acreman, Michael C. |
book |
2039 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note D.1: Water quality - assessment and protection. | water quality water resources management water quality assessment monitoring | Radstake, Frank; Tuinhof, Albert |
book |
2040 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note D.2: Water quality - Wastewater treatment. | wastewater treatment water quality effluent treatment sanitation financial issues | Wolff, Gary |
book |
2041 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note D.3: Water quality - Nonpoint-source pollution. | pollution nonpoint source pollution pollution control monitoring | Wolff, Gary |
book |
2042 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note E.1: Irrigation and drainage: development. | irrigation drainage water quality salinity waterlogging pollutants treated wastewater habitat loss environmental consequences | Ochs, Walter; Plusquellec, Herve |
book |
2043 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note E.2: Irrigation and drainage: Rehabilitation. | irrigation drainage rehabilitation salinization degradation | Wolff, Gary |
book |
2044 | Water Resources and Environment - Technical Note F.1: Water conservation: Urban utilities. | urban water conservation water delivery system water conservation policies water demand | Versteeg, Nico; Tolboom, Janine |
book |