List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2485 Virgin coconut oil: State of the art. virgin coconut oil production health effects cardiovascular diseases monolaurin sepsis

Juliano, Bienvenido O. (ed.)


2716 Virtuous circles: values, systems and sustainability. sustainability sustainable development climate change fossil fuels food security rainwater harvesting biogas urban agriculture supply chains tomato ketchup carbon footprinting food sovereignty

Jones, Andy; Pimbert, Michel; Jiggins, Janice


1814 Virus diseases of banana and abaca in the Philippines. banana abaca plant viruses banana bunchy top virus viroses mosaic diseases banana bract mosaic

Bajet, N.B.; Magnaye, L.V.


2051 Vision for water and nature : A world strategy for conservation and sustainable management of water resources in the 21st century. water freshwater sustainability wasteland wetland conservation degradation water resources management subsidies knowledge exchange book

120 Visionary leadership: creating a compelling sense of direction for your organization leadership vision audit visionary leadership

Nanus, Burt


3108 Voices and views: Why biotech?. cassava wheat biotechnology

Navarro, Mariechel J.


2625 Voices from the forest: Integrating indigenous knowledge into sustainable upland farming traditional farming shifting cultivation sustainable agriculture fallow lands indigenous peoples forest degradation forest conservation crop rotations agroforests property rights imperata grasslands Chromolaena odorata Austroeupatorium inulaefolium Piper aduncum Tecoma stans Mimosa invisa Mimosa diplotricha Phaseolus calcaratus Leucaena leucocephala Sesbania grandiflora Alnus nepalensis Melia azedarach Gmelina arborea teak production Cunninghamia lanceolata bamboo paper mulberry tree diversity soil fertility forest management rubber plantations rattan tea Swidden agriculture land allocation community-based natural resource management book

13923 Voices of ASEAN: What does ASEAN mean to ASEAN peoples - Volume 2 membership; benefits; problems; corruption; climate change; income disparity; social inequality; trade; investment; agriculture; food security; unemployment; poverty; human rights; ICT connectivity; ASEAN; Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia; Indonesia; Lao PDR; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam book

2585 Voluntary environmental programs in developing countries: An examination of the ISO 14001 environmental management system certification in Thailand. voluntary environmental programs participation ISO 14001 foreign direct investment environmental impact food and beverages textiles and clothing electronics and electrical appliances

Tambunlertchai, Kanittha

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr1

13868 Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA) - Training module vulnerability; risk management; climate change adaptation; mitigation book