List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2264 Vegetable production in Bangladesh: Commercialization and rural livelihoods. vegetables plant production exports technologies employment wage rate marketing seed supply input supply

Weinberger, Katinka

book technical bulletin no. 33

834 Vegetable production training manual vegetable production growth varieties variety evaluation seed production technology seed quality testing crop management soil management water management crop protection diseases weeds insect pests mechanization postharvest technology economics book

832 Vegetable research and development in South Asia : Proceedings of a workshop held at Islamabad, Pakistan, Sep 24-29, 1990. vegetable production demand and supply policy genetic resources biotechnology

Shanmugasundaram, S. (ed.)


1824 Vegetable research in South Asia : Proceedings of the South Asia Vegetable Network (SAVERNET-II), Midterm Review Meeting, 5-9 February 1999, AVRDC, Taiwan. vegetables varieties technology research production system pest management plant diseases

S. Shanmugasundaram (ed.)


833 Vegetable Research in Southeast Asia Korea Malaysia Indonesia China Philippines Research Policies Vegetables South East Asia Production book

775 Vegetable soybean production : Proceedings of a Training Course Chiang Mai, Thailand, Feb 18-24, 1991 Glycine max seed production varietal development cultivation practices postharvest management postharvest practices insect pests plant diseases disease control quality evaluation book

280 Vegetable soybean: research needs for production and quality improvement Taiwan Japan fertilizer management soybeans yield rhizobia inoculation postharvest processing marketing storage trade seed production technologies varietal improvement cultural practices harvesting cold storage plant protection technology

Shanmugasundaram, S. (ed.)


2958 Vegetable-agroforestry systems in Indonesia. indigenous vegetable Etlingera elatior ecosystem biodiversity food security phosphorus rate soil-P test Vigna unguiculata L. drip irrigation cover crop

Anas D. Susila; Bambang S. Purwoko; James M. Roshetko; Manuel C. Palada; Juang G. Kartika; Lia Dahlia; Kusuma Wijaya


2959 Vegetable-agroforestry systems in the Philippines vegetable agroforestry monoculture production drip irrigation system Arachis pintoi market networking sediment yield water rights

Catacutan, Delia C.; Mercado, Agustin R.; Chiong-Javier, Ma. Elena; Espaldon, Maria Victoria O.; Rola, Agnes C.; Palada, Manuel C.; Duque-Piñon, Caroline


1067 Ventilation of agricultural structures psychrometrics ventilation air distribution ventilation equipment natural ventilation evaporative cooling gaseous environment livestock structures thermal air flow greenhouse structures horticultural crop storage

Hellickson, Mylo A.; Walker, John N. (eds.)
