List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15569 What the experts say about water governance in rural areas of Asia - Proceedings water governance; water system; disasters; mitigation; water policy; poverty; water resource allocation book

13821 What's the evidence? Youth engagement and the sustainable development goals sustainable development; youth; diversity; gender book

743 Wheat for the nontraditional warm areas Wheats Triticum aestivum Food production Plant breeding Plant diseases Agricultural development Research

Saunders, D.A. (ed.)


761 Wheat production constraints in tropical environments : A proceedings of the international conference, January 19-23, 1987, Chian Mai, Thailand. Wheats Plant production soil management temperature tillage micronutrients fertilizer requirements yield improvement plant diseases integrated pest management drought tolerance

Klatt, A.R. (ed.)


760 Wheat review and planning: Proceeding of the Wheat Review and Planning Workshop, July 29-30, 1985 wheats seed production weed control insect pests fertilizer requirement irrigation

Lorica, M.; Belen, E.H. (eds.)

book pcarrd book series no.38

13645 When non-climate urban policies contribute to building urban resilience to climate change: Lessons learned from Indonesian cities climate change; resilience; urban; policies

Taylor, John

book asian cities climate resilience working paper series 1: 2013

2553 Whither the Philippines in the 21st century?. politics and government social conditions economic conditions poverty business opportunities press religion Philippines

Severino, Rodolfo C.; Salazar, Lorraine Carlos (eds.)


2066 Who counts most in sustainable forest management?. forest management stakeholders

Pierce Colfer, Carol J.


1320 Who counts most? Assessing human well-being in sustainable forest management. forest management poverty

Pierce Colfer, Carol J.: et al.

book 8 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series

1648 Why are some countries richer than others? : A reassessment of Mankiw-Romer-Weil's Test of the Neoclassical Growth Model. models

Felipe, Jesus; McCombie, John

book erd working paper series no.19