List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
147 Women in Development: Fiji Fiji Demography Health and Nutrition Social Factor Legal rights education training employment generation income generation women poverty government policies

Schoeffel, Penelope


144 Women in Development: Lao PDR Ethnic diversity women education labor market food security nonformal education adult literacy legal rights agriculture industry gender grassroot network book

148 Women in Development: Viet Nam social status economic status education training macro-economic policies education Vietnam role of women

McDonald, Margaret


209 Women in Farming and Improving Quality of Life in Rural Areas in Asia and the Pacific. gender role of women rural development training programs nutrition policies book

1674 Women in higher education in agriculture in the Philippines : The case of the University of the Philippines Los Baños. women family education legal issues political issues

Mancebo, Samuel T.; Sulabo, Evangeline C.; Domingo, Lorna P.; Tan, Francisca O.


1660 Women in rice farming [proceedings]. women technology rice labor farming systems household production employment varieties hybrids wet-seeded rice nitrogen fixation integrated pest management threshers fertilizer applicators Japan Philippines China Bangladesh Nepal India book

61 Women's involvement in the Philippine EIA process. women environmental impact analysis public participation Philippines

Villacorta, L.B.; Racela, E.M.; Briones, N.D.

book ermp reports, 24

2338 Women's participation in disaster relief and recovery. women disaster relief earthquake recovery savings credit

Yonder, Ayse; Akcar, Sengul; Gopalan, Prema

book seeds

1371 Women, population and development. women role of women population book unesco abstract-bibliography series no.11

13103 Women: Partners weaving fabrics of development women; weaving; livelihood; income book