List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
273 Water resources management: a global priority : Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on Water Resources Management, Oct 13-16, 1996, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. Philippines Thailand Australia sustainable development water resources water resources management environmental impacts conservation water quality management water management water technology water supply

Guerrero, R.D. III; Calpe, A.T. (eds.)


2319 Water-wise rice production : Proceedings of the International Workshop on Water-wise Rice Production, 8-11 April 2002, Los Banos, Philippines. rice irrigation water management system of rice intensification aerobic rice physiology breeding

Bouman, B.A.M.; Hengsdijk, H.; Hardy, B.; Bindraban, P.S.; Tuong, T.P.; Ladha, J.K. (eds.)


2824 Water: Our future - An FDI landmark study. water crises water surplus water availability desalination water runoff water security book

13131 Watershed characterization and vulnerability assessment using geographic information system and remote sensing watershed; vulnerability assessment; Geographic Information System; GIS; remote sensing; watershed instrumentation; faunal assessment; floral assessment; biological characterization; socio-economic components; georeferencing; hydrology; arc hydro tools book

95 Watershed management and food security in the Philippines: policy issues and concerns watershed management food security Philippines policy issues

Cruz, R.V.O.

book cpds working paper no. 97-07

48 Watershed restoration and protection in the Bais Bay Basin, Philippines. watershed management Philippines

Walters, B.B.; Cadelina, A.M.; Cardaño, A.; Visitacion, E.

book ermp reports no.12

2818 Weed management in direct-seeded rice systems. stale seedbed technique tillage systems seeding rates crop residue mulches water management mechanical weeding

Chauhan, Bhagirath Singh


1528 Weed risk assessment. Weeds risk assessment plant introduction invasive plants species screening method Hawaii New Zealand Australia United States

Groves, R.H.; Panetta, F.D.; Virtue, J.G. (eds.)


883 Weeds and weed control in Asia aquatic weeds weed control paddy field herbicide citrus orchard grassland weeds seed dormancy butachlor book fftc book series no.20

14155 Weeds of vegetables and other cash crops in the Philippines weeds; vegetables; grasses; sedges; broadleaves; weed management

Donayre, Dindo King M.; Santiago, Salvacion E.; Martin, Edwin C.; Jeong Taek Lee; Corales, Rizal G.; Virender Kumar; Janiya, Joel D.
