List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15601 Workshop on Modeling Management of Climatic Stress in Rice-based Cropping Systems: Application of the AgPractices & Domains Platform climatic stress; rice; modeling concepts; tools; modeling data; web-based platform; database book

3086 Workshop on Moving Beyond Strategy to Improve Information and Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development in the Pacific Islands Countries and Territories: Proceedings. ICM information exchange agricultural innovation systems agricultural development knowledge management CIARD agricultural information dissemination book

2503 Workshop on research priorities in tidal swamp rice. rice tidal swamp rice cultivation lowlands hydrology pests and diseases Indonesia Bangladesh Thailand Sri Lanka Vietnam India Ecuador book

15583 Workshop on the Establishment of SEAMEO Centres Policy Research Network (CPRN) networking; policy research; training needs book

15575 Workshop on Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation Assessment for Climate Change: Approaches, Methods, and Tools - Completion Report impact assessment; climate change; APAN book

1670 Workshop resource manual : Regional workshop on sustainable agricultural development, Asian Development Bank, Los Baños, Philippines, June 15-19, 1992 food production sustainable agriculture poverty farmer participation Green Revolution green manures agricultural research technology environmental protection resource depletion gender analysis agrotechnology transfer women book

481 World Agriculture 1994 crop production plant protection plant nutrition horticulture cultivation animal production animal health biotechnology irrigation water resources mechanization agricultural engineering postharvest technologies agricultural reform agricultural economics

Cartwright, A. (ed.)


2543 World development report 2010: Development and climate change. climate change development sustainable development biodiversity natural resource management environmental protection trade mitigation and adaptation innovation and technology diffusion energy book

1832 World food prospects: Critical issues for the early twenty-first century : 2020 vision food policy report. food security income levels food production import biotechnology information technology

Pinstrup-Andersen, P.; Pandya-Lorch, R.; Rosegrant, M.W.


100 World grains market: implications for Philippines food security strategy grains market corn market food security GATT rice supply economic growth demand and supply

Hossain, M.; Sombilla, M.C.A.

book cpds working paper no. 97-02