List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
744 Utilizing wild grass biodiversity in wheat improvement : 15 years of wide cross research at CIMMYT Wheats Biodiversity Germplasm Interspecific hybridization Intergeneric hybridization Hybrids Triticales Plant breeding

Mujeeb-Kazi, A.; Hettel, G.P. (ed.)

book cimmyt research report no.2

1996 Valuation and evaluation of management alternatives for the Pagbilao mangrove forest. mangrove resource management forest products capture fisheries aquaculture valuation Pagbilao Philippines

Janssen, R.; Padilla, J.E.

book creed working paper series no. 9

1750 Value-addition to agricultural products : Towards increase of farmers' income and vitalization of rural economy. postharvest agricultural development farmers income globalization food safety grain quality fish products indigenous plants technologies biotechnology foods

Mori, Y.; Hayashi, T.; Highley, E. (eds.)

book jircas international symposium series no. 11

124 Values and development: appraising Asian experience economic development value changes urbanization modernization

Laswell, Harold; Lerner, Daniel; Montgomery, John D. (eds.)


390 Values Education through history education values Filipino attitudes tolerance advocacy values formation history language Philippines

Quisumbing, Lourdes R.; Sta Maria, Felice P.


2282 Valuing the economic benefits of preserving cultural heritage: The My Son Sanctuary World Heritage Site in Vietnam. cultural property : protection cultural parks temples : conservation and restoration world heritage areas cultural heritage cost-benefit analysis Vietnam

Tran Huu Tuan

book research report no. 2006-rr6

2616 Valuing the environment: Economics for a sustainable future. environmental economics economic development media

Glover, David


2808 Vanuatu sandalwood: Growers' guide for sandalwood production in Vanuatu. sandalwood biology nursery management plantation pruning weeds plant diseases pests of plants harvesting

Page, Tony; Tate, Hanington; Tungon, Joseph; Tabi, Michael; Kamasteia, Phyllis

book aciar monograph no. 151

2721 Various frameworks on evaluating the CARP accomplishments : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Various Frameworks for Evaluating the CARP Accomplishments", held at the University Hotel, UP Diliman, Quezon City, on March 9, 2010. agrarian reform impacts legal concerns



996 Varroa Jacobsoni Oud. Affecting honey bee: Present status and needs : Proceedings of a Meeting of the EC Expert's Group, Wageningen, February 7-9, 1983 Varroa jacobsoni animal diseases honeybees karyotype disease control

Cavalloro, R.
