List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
798 Transport, receipt, and propagation of in vitro sweet potato plantlets Transport Plant propagation Sweet potatoes Seedlings Tissue culture Culture technique Micropropagation

Dodds, J.H.; Panta, A.; Bryan, J.E.

book cip research guide 38

180 Tree crop sector development in Indonesia International trade yields poverty reduction environmental concerns policy reforms rubber coconut copra oil palm Indonesia book adb agriculture department staff paper no.6

2164 Tree seed management : Seed sources, seed collection and seed handling - A field manual for field workers and farmers. tree seed seed quality selection tree planting seed orchard establishment seed collection seed processing seed germination seed source document seed testing

Mulawarman; Roshetko, James M.; Sasongko, Singgih Mahari; Irianto, D.


1249 Trees and their management. Sustainable Agroforest Land Technology seedlings tree pruning bamboo rattan anahaw buri tree species fuelwood species citrus production book agroforestry technology information kit (atik) 2

935 Trees, shrubs and grasses for saltlands: an annotated bibliography trees shrubs grasses saltland chemical abbreviations

Nico Marcar; Shoaib Ismail; Afzal Hossain; Rafiq Ahmad

book aciar monograph no.56

123 Trends and impacts of a changing city: the transformation of Naga City socioeconomic development cultural development economic development Philippines nongovernmental organizations religious sector education sector gender

Contreras, A.P.; Cabanilla, Daylinda B.; de Vera, Richard B. (eds.)


522 Trends and perspectives in agricultural education Asia-Pacific agricultural education human resources development education systems book

199 Trends in agricultural wages: 1995-1996 wage rate Philippines book

2173 Trends in the organization and financing of agricultural research in developed countries : Implications for developing countries. agricultural research developed countries developing countries organization of research research institutions research policies research support Australia USA Netherlands

Janssen, Willem; Braunschweig, Thomas


2667 Trials and triumphs : communities fighting poverty through KALAHI-CIDSS. poor poverty governance empowerment women

Martinez, Juan Edmund F. (ed.)
