ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2722 | Towards an integrative research agenda for public affairs and development: framework, synthesis and meta-analysis. | community development technology generation technology transfer technology application governance social development empowerment | book |
142 | Towards Beijing ... beyond Beijing: Bilateral/multilateral involvement in gender/women in development in Asia-Pacific | women human rights gender issues WID Policy | book |
1259 | Towards better management of soils contaminated with tannery waste : Proceedings of a workshop held at Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ., Coimbatore, India, 31 January to 4 February 1998. | tanning industries chromium wastes soil | Naidu, R.; Willett, I.R.; Mahimairajah, S.; Kookana, R.; Ramasamy, K. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 88 |
15571 | Towards effective disaster management for sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the experts' roundtable. | sustainable agriculture; disaster risk management | book |
2144 | Towards enhancing the role of microfinance for safety nets of the poor. | microfinance institutions financial services income consumption policy | Zeller, Manfred |
book |
1415 | Towards food security and human safety : Agricultural technology, policy choices and gender issues. | Food security agricultural productivity trends human safety pest management policy choices gender | Rola, A.C. |
book | working paper no. 00-06 |
2193 | Towards improving profitability of teak in integrated smallholder farming systems in northern Laos. | forestry teak growing marketing socioeconomics teak smallholdings farming systems profitability assessment plantations wood processing Laos | Midgley, Stephen; Blyth, Michael; Mounlamai, Khamphone; Midgley, Dao; Brown, Alan |
book |
1992 | Towards integration of simulation models in rice research : SARP research proceedings. | simulation models agroecosystems analysis plant breeding nitrogen pest management soil erosion rice yields brown planthopper bacterial blight green manure China Philippines | Aggarwal, P.K.; Lansigan, F.P.; Thiyagarajan, T.M.; Rubia, E.G. (eds.) |
book |
1714 | Towards people's empowerment: GO-NGO collaboration in agricultural development. | nongovernmental organizations government organization people empowerment rice programs Local Government Code livelihood cooperative foundations Pangasinan Nueva Ecija Tarlac | Navarro, Rex L. |
book |
2198 | Towards policies for conservation and sustainable use of aquatic genetic resources : Proceedings of an international conference held on 14-18 April 1998 in Bellagio, Como, North Italy. | aquatic genetic resources policies fish genetic conservation biotechnology genetically modified organisms commercialization transgenic fish aquaculture intellectual property rights biological diversity governance sustainable use biosafety assessment Asia and the Pacific Latin America Canada Brazil | Pullin, Roger S.V.; Bartley, Devin M.; Kooiman, Jan (eds.) |
book |