ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
160 | The role of the government in the delivery of agricultural services: the Department of Agriculture and Local Governments | Local government Agricultural development Rural areas Decentralization Philippines | Brillantes, A.B. |
book |
342 | The role of the state in economic development: Theory, the east Asian experience, and the Malaysia case. | economic development government investment exports Malaysia | Brown, J. |
book | economics staff paper number 52 |
337 | The role of the World Bank in agricultural development in the 1990s | rural development bank lending | Lipton, Michael; Paarlberg, Robert |
book |
80 | The role of universities in the development of the Mekong River Basin : Final Report. | higher education regional cooperation networking Cambodia Lao PDR Myanmar Thailand China | book |
2356 | The role of women in the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) in improving the nutrition of women and children. | agrarian reform women | Pedro, Ma. Regina A.; Ramirez, Ma. Anna Rita M.; Natividad, Arlene S. |
book | occasional paper series no.2 |
325 | The rural-urban transition in Viet Nam: some selected issues | investment policy industrialization urban development Viet Nam | Mundle, Sudipto; Van Arkadie, Brian |
book | adb occasional papers no.15 |
539 | The scale and scope of national agricultural research in small developing countries: concepts and methodology | Management Organization of research Planning Research Research policies Small countries | Eyzaguirre, Pablo. |
book | isnar small-countries study paper no.1 |
16129 | The School-Plus-Home Gardens Project in the Philippines: A participatory and inclusive model for sustainable development | school home gardens; UPLB; DepEd | Calub, Blesilda M.; Africa, Leila S.; Burgos, Bessie M.; Custodio, Henry M.; Chiang, Shun-Nan; Vallez, Anna Gale C.; Galang, Elson Ian Nyl E.; Punto, Maria Katrina R. |
book |
15522 | The science and practice of crop production | agriculture; crop science; crop production; production practices; climate change; urban farming; precision farming; land preparation; water management; soil fertility; pest management; urban farming; horticultural crops; rice production; industrial manufacturing; land preparation; water management; plant population. | Lantican, Ricardo M. |
book |
16391 | The science of delivery: Exploring dynamics between technical and local knowledge within delivery systems | science of delivery; agricultural extension; innovation delivery model; knowledge products | Palacpac, Eric P.; Flor, Alexander G.; Amoloza, Emely M. |
book |