List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
160 The role of the government in the delivery of agricultural services: the Department of Agriculture and Local Governments Local government Agricultural development Rural areas Decentralization Philippines

Brillantes, A.B.


342 The role of the state in economic development: Theory, the east Asian experience, and the Malaysia case. economic development government investment exports Malaysia

Brown, J.

book economics staff paper number 52

337 The role of the World Bank in agricultural development in the 1990s rural development bank lending

Lipton, Michael; Paarlberg, Robert


80 The role of universities in the development of the Mekong River Basin : Final Report. higher education regional cooperation networking Cambodia Lao PDR Myanmar Thailand China book

2356 The role of women in the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) in improving the nutrition of women and children. agrarian reform women

Pedro, Ma. Regina A.; Ramirez, Ma. Anna Rita M.; Natividad, Arlene S.

book occasional paper series no.2

325 The rural-urban transition in Viet Nam: some selected issues investment policy industrialization urban development Viet Nam

Mundle, Sudipto; Van Arkadie, Brian

book adb occasional papers no.15

539 The scale and scope of national agricultural research in small developing countries: concepts and methodology Management Organization of research Planning Research Research policies Small countries

Eyzaguirre, Pablo.

book isnar small-countries study paper no.1

16129 The School-Plus-Home Gardens Project in the Philippines: A participatory and inclusive model for sustainable development school home gardens; UPLB; DepEd

Calub, Blesilda M.; Africa, Leila S.; Burgos, Bessie M.; Custodio, Henry M.; Chiang, Shun-Nan; Vallez, Anna Gale C.; Galang, Elson Ian Nyl E.; Punto, Maria Katrina R.


15522 The science and practice of crop production agriculture; crop science; crop production; production practices; climate change; urban farming; precision farming; land preparation; water management; soil fertility; pest management; urban farming; horticultural crops; rice production; industrial manufacturing; land preparation; water management; plant population.

Lantican, Ricardo M.


16391 The science of delivery: Exploring dynamics between technical and local knowledge within delivery systems science of delivery; agricultural extension; innovation delivery model; knowledge products

Palacpac, Eric P.; Flor, Alexander G.; Amoloza, Emely M.
