ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2439 | The Philippines recommends for broiler production. | broiler broiler industry selection of stock housing brooding feeding feed additives cannibalism disease prevention manure management vaccination health management marketing contract growers independent growers lending policies broiler production | book | pcarrd technical bulletin series no. 10-a |
2908 | The Philippines recommends for chrysanthemum. | cultivars nursery management environmental requirements greenhouse production pest management diseases postharvest handling flowers | book | philippines recommends series no. 95 |
1619 | The Philippines recommends for conservation farming in the sloping lands : Vol. 1. Contour Farming. | Sloping lands upland contour farming soil erosion soil and water conservation soil fertility crop yield conservation farming hedgerows ground cover | The Conservation Farming in the Sloping Lands Technical Committee |
book | philippines recommends series no. 89 |
2440 | The Philippines recommends for dairy cattle production 1981. | dairy cattle selection breeding reproduction artificial insemination feeding herd management housing milking parlor milk production milk processing packaging marketing pasteurization mastitis genital diseases parasite control diseases | book |
2932 | The Philippines recommends for duck egg production. | duck industry breeding housing and management feeding processing and utilization disease prevention marketing farm record farming cost and return analysis dressing procedure feeds feeding disease prevention bacterial diseases marketing farm record keeping cost and return analysis | book | pcaarrd philippines recommends series no. 90-d |
2441 | The Philippines recommends for duck egg production. | duck industry production selection of stocks handling of hatching eggs incubation hatchery management fertility determination culling hatchery waste disposal housing feeds feeding disease prevention bacterial diseases marketing farm record keeping cost and return analysis | book | pcarrd philippines recommends series no. 90-b |
845 | The Philippines recommends for durian | durian food composition postharvest handling soil requirements climate nursery establishment orchard establishment planting uses marketing monocropping intercropping food processing storage packaging propagation seed selection insect pests diseases seedlings | book | philippines recommends series no. 87 |
1813 | The Philippines recommends for forage and pasture crops. | forages species pastures stocking control animal distribution overseeding grazing management land preparation weed control legumes inoculation coconut silvipasture crop residues fodder crops seed production seed storage | book | philippines recommends series no. 12-b |
823 | The Philippines recommends for fruit processing and utilization. | fruit processing quality banana cashew citrus jackfruit mango papaya santol tamarind fruits freezing canning fermentation dehydration | book | pcarrd technical bulletin series no.68 |
2910 | The Philippines recommends for furniture of wood. | furniture wood finishing packaging marketing product testing standards | book | philippines recommends series no. 82-a |