List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9582 7th SEAMEO INNOTECH International Conference. education educational human resource development information and technology program researches and training program SEAMEO INNOTECH cd

9769 A New Lease of Life. cd

9554 A Partnership for the Future. Globally : 25 years GTZ. development policy technical cooperation social justice economic growth and ecological sustainability sustainable development poverty alleviation education and training environment protection natural resources conservation small-scale measures cd

9698 A Review of Comprehensive Water Resources Management in Japan : Shared Lessons for Monsoon Asia. water resources development water resources management urbanization monsoon region water supply Japan up-stream river system canal project and dam cd

9504 A Virtual Library of ISNAR Publications. virtual library electronic catalog electronic publications learning materials cd

9731 ACCU Literacy and NFE Material Pack. health and nutrition environment income generation women empowerment cd

9590 Aceh Report : SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Center-SEAMOLEC. SEAMEO SEAMOLEC earthquake disaster tsunami disaster infrastructure Aceh and North Sumatra education and livelihood teachers training educational radio broadcast cd

9572 ADB Annual Report, 2000. poverty reduction strategy policies and strategies operations economic development financial resources Japan fund cd

9573 ADB Annual Report, 2006. poverty reduction strategy policies and strategies operations economic development financial resources medium term strategy cd

9620 Adult Education and Development Issues 30-65. adult education health and nutrition democracy and politics education and training indigenous cultures and people livelihood distance learning gender traditional learning rural development and literacy cd