List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9822 Western Pacific Region Publications Catalogue 2010-2013 : World Health Organization. World Health Organization. delivery healthcare, health services, National health programs, cd

9713 Wetlands Governance in the Mekong Region : Country Reports on the Legal-Institutional Framework and Economic Valuation of Aquatic Resources. wetlands governance, Mekong region, aquatic resources, natural resources and environment, water resources, wetlands management, cd

9565 Winning Solutions for Risky Problems : Proceedings of Conference 29, International Erosion Control Association. soil erosion and erosion control, sediment control program, hydraulic, landslide repair, rainfall erosion, watershed management, streambank and riverine, risk assessment, soil bioengineering, steep slope, urban and industrial development, cd

9448 Workshop on the Development of Interactive CD-ROM Program. SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, interactive CD-ROM development, premaster CD-ROM program, chemistry, physics, english, electronics and procedures of export, cd

9527 World Agroforestry Centre Transforming Lives and Landscapes : From Upland Farmers to Agroforesters. upland farmers, agroforester, landscape, agroforestry, land use, slash-and-burn, grassland, forest and hill slopes, cd

9714 World Development Report 2006 : Equity and Development Main Report. equity and inequity, equality, income and poverty reduction, health education, women, investment and development, justice, land and infrastructure, macroeconomy and markets, cd

9823 World Development Report 2008 : Agriculture for Development. agriculture, agricultural production, poverty reduction, Biofuels, food security, agribusiness, genetically modified organisms, mitigation, adaptation, rural development, cd

9824 World Environmental Library 1.0. environment, humanity, cd

9825 World Fish Publications Catalog 2008. world fish, aquaculture, fisheries solutions, aquatic biology, aquaculture species, fisheries research institute, cd

9483 World Food Summit Demonstration CD-ROM - November 1996. agriculture development, food security, land and water development, information and support services, advice to government, neutral forum, cd