ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9709 | Turning the Tide : Sustaining Earth's Large Marine Ecosystems. | large marine ecosystems, coastal production, marine habitats, fishery stocks, marine life, | cd |
9482 | Understanding Animal Health in Southeast Asia. | animal health information, survey toolbox, surveillance software, livestock diseases, geographic information systems (GIS), economic issues, | cd |
9539 | University of Bologna International Summer School Programme Summer School on Monitoring and Evaluation of International Programs and Public Policies: Poverty Reduction, Social Policy, and Public Service Delivery. | Poverty Reduction, Social Policy, and Public Service Delivery. | living standards, income, consumption, social inclusion, policy implementation, administrative reform, public management, | cd |
9710 | Vermicompost and Vermimeal Production. | vermicompost, vermimeal, earthworm, feeds, | cd |
9526 | Virtual Library Special Selection of Full-Texts on Food Security. | virtual library, food security, world population, food summit action plan, agriculture, | cd |
9566 | Wastewater Technologies and Management for Pacific Islands. | technologies, Pacific Islands, Project Cycle Management, decision-making, management, wastewater, sanitation, | cd |
9711 | Water for All Publication Series. | water, poverty, world water forum, flood, water networks, sanitation, drinking water, | cd |
9712 | Water in the 21st Century. | water, WARDEC, river system, dam restoration, water shortage, canal project, water resources development, water supply, water conservation, flora and fauna, | cd |
9821 | Water Voices. | water crisis, reef protection, water systems, | cd |
9511 | WEBAGRIS System for Regional and National Centers : WWW-ISIS based application. | AGRIS databases, web technology, AGRIS system, internet browser, HTTP server, HTML documents, | cd |