List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9709 Turning the Tide : Sustaining Earth's Large Marine Ecosystems. large marine ecosystems, coastal production, marine habitats, fishery stocks, marine life, cd

9482 Understanding Animal Health in Southeast Asia. animal health information, survey toolbox, surveillance software, livestock diseases, geographic information systems (GIS), economic issues, cd

9539 University of Bologna International Summer School Programme Summer School on Monitoring and Evaluation of International Programs and Public Policies: Poverty Reduction, Social Policy, and Public Service Delivery. Poverty Reduction, Social Policy, and Public Service Delivery. living standards, income, consumption, social inclusion, policy implementation, administrative reform, public management, cd

9710 Vermicompost and Vermimeal Production. vermicompost, vermimeal, earthworm, feeds, cd

9526 Virtual Library Special Selection of Full-Texts on Food Security. virtual library, food security, world population, food summit action plan, agriculture, cd

9566 Wastewater Technologies and Management for Pacific Islands. technologies, Pacific Islands, Project Cycle Management, decision-making, management, wastewater, sanitation, cd

9711 Water for All Publication Series. water, poverty, world water forum, flood, water networks, sanitation, drinking water, cd

9712 Water in the 21st Century. water, WARDEC, river system, dam restoration, water shortage, canal project, water resources development, water supply, water conservation, flora and fauna, cd

9821 Water Voices. water crisis, reef protection, water systems, cd

9511 WEBAGRIS System for Regional and National Centers : WWW-ISIS based application. AGRIS databases, web technology, AGRIS system, internet browser, HTTP server, HTML documents, cd