List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9474 The CIRAD CD-ROM, Version 2004. animal production agriculture urban population food supply chain agrifood technology and enterprises food quality food and nutrition policy cropping systems tropical plant genomics cd

9463 The CIRAD CD-ROM, Version 2005. life sciences and human sciences engineering sciences agriculture and food natural resource management annual crops and tree crops fruit and horticultural crops animal production and veterinary medicine forestry environment cd

9603 The Establishment of SEAMEO Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Educational Personnel (QITEP) in Science. SEAMEO QITEP quality improvement of teachers educational personnel science teachers environmental education earth and space science science laboratory management ICT-base science learning capacity building networking cd

9650 The Evolution of Lowland Rainfed Rice Based Farming Systems Towards Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Focus on Nueva Ecija, Philippines. rainfed lowland rice farming system agroecosystem crop improvement water resources irrigation system sustainable agriculture rural development Nueva Ecija cd

9749 The Hybrid RIce Collection. HR5 food production breeding methodologies biotechnology seed production cd

9762 The Journal of Interdisciplinary Networks. discipline scope science and technology engineering social science information technology business administration economics public administration cd

9450 The Open CD Version 3.1. free and open source software computer virus program bugs web-site and internet multimedia cd

9725 The poor in times of crisis. micro-enterprise, cassava, poverty alleviation fund, indigenous people, Mamanwa, marine resources, cd

9589 The Regional Seminar on Higher Education in Southeast Asian Countries : A Current Update. SEAMEO RIHED higher education education information and development education planning and management cd

9703 The Story of Bt Cotton in India. Bt cotton genetically modified crop (GMO) India leaf curl virus bollworm biotech crops cd