List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9577 The World Bank Annual Report, 2007. world bank, poverty, loans and grants, lending data, technical and financial assistance, cooperative, human and social development, economic management, governance, cd

9491 The World Bank Annual Report, 2009. world bank, poverty, loans and grants, lending data, technical and financial assistance, cooperative, human and social development, economic management, equity investments, cd

9717 The Y2K Project Experience : Yamang Kabataan at Komunidad. education, learning, multiple intelligence theory, curriculum development, community capacity building, social marketing, knowledge building, learning style model, career intelligence matching, cd

9704 Thomson 2002 Catalog : Find, Learn, Measure. online catalog accounting and finance communication computer science economics education engineering and technology health sciences, humanities, management, marketing mathematics and statistics psychology, sciences, social sciences, sociology cd

9819 Toolkit on Mainstreaming Gender Equality in European Commission Development Cooperation. gender mainstreaming gender equality development cooperation cd

9705 Trade Liberalization, Agriculture and Small Farm Households in the Philippines : Proactive Responses to the Threats and Opportunities of Globalization trade liberalization agriculture small farm household globalization tariff and tax cartel and export food security dumping gross value added import cd

9820 Training Manual on Plant Taxonomy (Dicots) in Southeast Asia. cd

9706 Training of Community Empowerment Methodology. infrastructures community empowerment rural center Malang Mekong institute North Sulawesi Indonesia empowerment training rural government cd

9707 Transport Infrastructure and Poverty Reduction : Workshop and Presentations. transport infrastructure poverty reduction investment road projects project development cd

9708 TROPAG & RURAL 1975 - June 1996. agriculture environment rural development cd