List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9530 BAGAN/PAGAN: The Historic Site of Myanmar. cd

9623 Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperates (BAAC) Resplendency. rural development bank agriculture credit rural development farmers cd

9624 Best Practices for Education and Training of Rural Youth : Lessons from Asia. youth organization rural youth education and training programs rural development food security poverty farm youth livelihood group dynamics cd

9625 Biofuels in Asia : An Analysis of Sustainability Options. biofuels carbon dioxide crude palm oil greenhouse gas coconut biodiesel pure plant oil straight vegetable oil volatile organic chemicals cd

9626 Breaking the Cycle. researchers farmers integrated pest management (IPM) striga cd

9627 Bringing Women from the Margin to the Mainstream of Rice Research and Technology Development : Strategies and Lessons Learned. agricultural research environment intrahousehold rural women farmers agriculture rice research technology development

Thelma Romero Paris


9723 Bt Corn Videos: The Bt Corn Story in the Philippines/ More Choices: The Lagao Farmers' Story. GMO biotechnology bt corn Philippines cd

9628 Building Economic Decision-Making Capabilities of Chinese Wool Textile Mills. Chinese wool textile mills Australian wool industry wool fiber cost management yarn weaving and spinning yields CAEG wool

Colin Brown; Scott Waldron; John Longworth; Zhao Yutian


9736 Cadres of Change: Biotech Farmers in China, India, and the Philippines. biotechnology farmers biotech crops cd

9629 Capacity Building for Environmental Law in the Asian and Pacific Region : Approaches and Resources Vol. I & II. environmental law capacity building pollution law hazardous wastes environment impact assessment freshwater systems dams and coastal zone management cultural and natural heritage trade and environment climate change

Donna G. Craig
