List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5442 Alternative sugar trading. sugar mascobado sugar export

Dugeno, S.O.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

6257 Alternative technologies for protecting seeds from storage pests. seeds admixture seed treatment SACLOB pest infestation seed storage

Layaoen, Myriam G.

serials agriculture magazine

8677 Alternative to antibiotics: Plasma attack bacterial cells on several levels. antibiotics plasma cells

Sison, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine

7175 Alternative way of reproducing mushrooms spawns developed. mushrooms ipil-ipil kakawate potato dextrose agar wood chips Volvariella volvaria mycelium

Samonte, Pete

serials agriculture magazine

10616 Alternative workforce strategies. workforce, strategies,

Garber, Peter R.

purch hr skill series

8453 Alternatives to antibiotics in animal helath. antibiotics poultry disease mastitis

Avant, Sandra

serials agriculture magazine

12394 Altitudinal gradient distribution of pteridophytes on Mt. Banahaw de Lucban, Luzon island, Philippines. botany pteridophyte species diversity altitudinal zonation ferns elevation slope soil properties Mt. Banahaw Philippines

Banaticla, Maria Celeste N.


4852 AM fungal association with Tagetes erecta L. and their impact on plant growth fungi Glomus fasciculatum colonization growth Tagetes erecta

Ranganayaki, N.; Manoharachary, C.

serials philippine journal of science

10294 Amaranthaceae of the Philippines. Amaranthaceae colites cockscomb species Philippines

Rivero, Gilda C.


9529 Amazing Experiences Revealed: Thailand. cd