ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
51 | Agroecosystem analysis and rapid rural appraisal of selected sites in the Central Cordillera, Ifugao, Philippines. | Philippines agroecosystem Rapid appraisal Central cordillera Ifugao agricultural surveys rural conditions | Guy, Peter (ed.) |
book | ermp reports no.15 |
483 | Agroecosystems of the midlands of Northern Vietnam : A report on a preliminary human ecology field study of three districts in Vinh Phu Province. | A report on a preliminary human ecology field study of three districts in Vinh Phu Province. | agroecosystem human ecology indigenous knowledge soil management water resources homegardens livestock land use Vietnam | Le Trong Cuc; Gillogly, K.; Terry Rambo, A. (eds.) |
book | occasional paper no.12 |
1618 | Agroforestry and improved land-use systems in Vietnam : Highlights from a National Training-of-Trainers Course. | Highlights from a National Training-of-Trainers Course. | Agroforestry techniques training participatory methods | Dang Kim Vui Nguyen Van So; Pham Quang Vinh; Le Quoc Doanh; Ha Dinh Tuan; Nguyen Thanh Thuy (Compilers) |
book | vacb working paper no.2 |
2629 | Agroforestry and land use in the Philippines | natural resources management forestry agroforestry deforestation forest land use tree farming tree growing motivation watershed watershed management climate change carbon emissions carbon sequestration environmental services carbon stocks measurement trade-off policies | Baguinon, Nestor T..; Lasco, Rodel D.; Macandog, Damasa B.; Pasicolan, Paulo N.; Villancio, Virgilio T. |
book |
492 | Agroforestry development in Kenya: Proceedings 2nd Kenya National Seminar on Agroforestry Nairobi Kenya Nov 7-16, 1988 | agroforestry development research and development extension activities education training Kenya | Kilewe, A.M.; Kealey, K.M.; Kebaara, K.K. (eds.) |
book |
2168 | Agroforestry extension manuals : A survey of their use in Kenya. | agroforestry extension training evaluation survey manuals extension materials extension service target groups cost sharing | Muturi, Stachys N. |
book |
14869 | Agroforestry farm aims to produce quality wood in the Philippines | agroforestry farm; tree farm; livelihood; benefits | Taculao, Patricia Bianca S. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14821 | Agroforestry for climate-resilient landscapes (Training manual) | agroforestry; climate change adaptation; climate resilience | weblinks |
918 | Agroforestry for improved land use: ICRAF's medium-term plan 1994-1998 | agroforestry multipurpose tree improvement training resource allocation impact analysis planning | book |
14342 | Agroforestry for sustainable mountain management in Southeast Asia | agroforestry; sustainable mountain management; agroforestry development; Southeast Asia | Do Trong Hoan; Catacutan, Delia C.; Nguyen Tien Hai |
book | world agroforestry centre policy brief no. 69 |