List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
10019 Agriculture and the WTO: Creating a trading system for development. World Trade Organization DOHA Development Round trade agreements export policies market access trade liberalization agricultural policy reform food security sanitary and phytosanitary agreement food safety biotechnology intellectual property rights

Ingco, M.D.; Nash, J.D. (eds.)


16319 Agriculture diversification in the Mekong Delta: Farmers' motives and contributions to livelihoods agricultural diversification; farmers; capital

Bosma, Roel H.; Cao Quoc Nam; Udo, Henk M.J.; Verreth, Johan A.J.; Visser, Leontine E.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

13137 Agriculture guide 2016 agriculture; agriculture production sites; agriculture products; government rules and regulations; foreign investments book

213 Agriculture in the GATT: an analysis of alternative approaches to reform Agriculture GATT Trade policies tariffs import restrictions

Zietz, J.; Valdes, A.

book ifpri research report no.70

15454 Agriculture innovation systems in Asia : Towards inclusive rural development agricultural innovations; rural development; sustainable agriculture; ICT; sustainable agriculture transformation; social capital

Singh, Lakhwinder; Gill, Anita


16184 Agriculture is still the engine of economic growth: Empirical evidence from Uttar Pradesh, India intersectoral linkages; lead sector; Uttar Pradesh economy

Tripathi, Amarnath

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

12696 Agriculture Monitoring Using Multi-Temporal MODIS Data in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. soil moisture water management cropping system

Nguyen Thanh Son


15545 Agriculture policy and institutional reforms in Lao-PDR: Experiences, impacts, and lessons value chain; food security; policies; agriculture; Lao PDR

Bounthong Bouahom; Dethsackda Manikham

book southeast asian agriculture and development primer series, 2nd edition

16616 Agriculture practices to improve soil carbon storage in upland soil carbon sequestration; climate change mitigation; negative emissions; soil carbon stocks; meta-analysis; management

Katterer, Thomas; Bolinder, Martin A.


13352 Agriculture sector growth slackens in Q3 agriculture; production; growth; prices; Philippine Statistics Authority

Miraflor, Madelaine B.

serials agriculture magazine