ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
487 | Agroforestry in dryland Africa | agroforestry participatory planning fallows alley cropping contour vegetation conservation measures extension | Rocheleau, D.; Weber, F.; Field-Juma, A. |
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13860 | Agroforestry in rice-production landscapes in Southeast Asia - A practical manual | rice production; climate change; agroforestry; agroforestry; participatory landscape appraisal; value chain; surveys; seeds; seedlings; farmers; pest control; weed control; fertilization; irrigation; thinning; pruning; coppicing; harvesting; post-harvesting; monitoring and evaluation; advisory services; knowledge transfer; technology transfer; farmer field school | book |
14346 | Agroforestry in Southeast Asia: Bridging the forestry-agriculture divide for sustainable development | agroforestry; forestry; tree cover; agriculture; sustainable development goals; Southeast Asia | van Noordwijk, Meine |
book | world agroforestry centre policy brief no. 67 |
14344 | Agroforestry in the uplands of Southeast Asia | agroforestry; soil and water conservation; smallholders; uplands; policy; extension services; farmers groups; learning centers; livelihoods | Roshetko, James M.; Merado, Agustin Jr.; Martini, Endri; Prameswari, Diana |
book | world agroforestry centre policy brief no. 77 |
14341 | Agroforestry on peatlands: Combining productive and protective functions as part of restoration | agroforestry; peatlands; peatland management; restoration; Southeast Asia | Widayati, Atiek ; Tata, Hesti Lestari; van Noordwijk, Meine |
book | world agroforestry centre (icraf) policy brief no. 70 |
485 | Agroforestry Production and Post Production Systems (APPS): a training manual | agroforestry systems production technology postproduction technology economics farm planning postharvest handling postharvest losses horticultural crops | book |
1367 | Agroforestry project planning and management (APPM): a training manual | agroforestry policies gender concerns planning tools cropping systems community organizing conflict management | book |
488 | Agroforestry research in the Miombo ecological zone of southern Africa : Summary Proceedings of an International Workshop, Lilongwe, Malawi, Jun 16-22, 1991. | Summary Proceedings of an International Workshop, Lilongwe, Malawi, Jun 16-22, 1991. | agroforestry multipurpose tree soil changes socio-economic aspects fodder production | Maghembe, J.A.; Prins, H.; Brett, D.A. (eds.) |
book |
2142 | Agroforestry species and technologies : A compilation of the highlights and factsheets published by NFTA and FACT Net 1985-1999. | agroforestry nitrogen fixing plants hedgerow intercropping upland root crops organic matter composting mulching windbreaks coconuts cattle fodder bank establishment fuelwood production acid soils seed treatment inoculation community-based tree seed production tree legumes understory cropping tree gum markets forestry products | Roshetko, James M. (ed.) |
book |
14340 | Agroforestry: Contribution to food security and climate-change adaptation and mitigation in Southeast Asia - White Paper | agroforestry; food security; climate change adaptation; mitigation; food production; income generation;l fuelwood; water; adaptation; issues; gaps; policies; Southeast Asia | Catacutan, Delia C.; van Noordwijk, Meine; Nguyen Tien Hai; Oborn, Ingrid ; Mercado, Agustin R. |
book |