ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14266 | Agritech - The UPLB-CAFS technologies | production technologies; production systems; crop protection; postharvest technologies; food processing technologies; research and development | book |
9229 | Agritech-tended lanzones trees recover fast after 2014 super typhoon. | typhoon microbial biodiversity soil conditioning natural degradation organic farming soil amendment compost product humates flower induction vegetative growth promotion stress conditioning fertigation | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12879 | Agritechnica Asia to bolser mechanization in the region | Agritechnica Asia agricultural trade fair agricultural machinery mechanization | serials | agriculture magazine |
9417 | Agritourism is next big thing in agriculture. | agritourism farm plants trees | Sarian, Zac |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8900 | Agritourism: as experienced. | crop science hydroponics hibiscus breeding fruit farm | Villancio, Virgilio |
serials | the agritourist |
8899 | AgriTourism: Demystifying science to facilitate learning and appreciation for agriculture. | agritourisim dairy farm pineapple butterfly garden | Garcia, Juliana G. |
serials | the agritourist |
11298 | Agro-biotechnology capacity building needs in developing countries. | biotechnology capacity building sustainable agriculture genetically modified organisms : GMOs Thailand | Sakarindr Bhumiratana |
biotech |
3993 | Agro-ecological analysis for agricultural development in Indonesia. | agroecology dissemination diversification expert system sustainability land use rehabilitation intensification land resources land allocation | Istiqual Amien |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 514 |
4854 | Agro-ecosystems: challenges and opportunities | agro-biodiversity agricultural ecosystems human nutrition food security on-farm conservation farmers' rights policy implications food production irrigated agriculture national gross domestic product rainfed agro-ecosystem arid agro-ecosystem hilly agro-ecosystem mountainous agro-ecosystem coastal agro-ecosystem sustainable agriculture | R.S. Rana |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
15568 | Agro-Industrial Development Regional Workshop | research and development; agro-industrial development; Southeast Asia | book |