ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7897 | Agricultural technology transfer: from free-of-charge to payable services considering human factors. | agricultural technology ergonomics human factors intellectual property rights plant variety transfer | Lin, Hsueh S. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 572 |
507 | Agricultural technology transfer: the relevance of the Australian experience | technology transfer semiarid zones Asia dryland agriculture cattle breeding Malaysia Indonesia Papua New Guinea | Harrison, P.G. (ed.) |
book |
15308 | Agricultural technology: Why does the level of agricultural production remain low despite increased investments in research and extension? | technological promotion; adoption; agricultural growth; agricultural innovation systems; agricultural performance | Baconguis, Rowena T. |
weblinks | discussion paper series no. 2022-06 |
2021 | Agricultural trade and food security. | food trade system food security import sustainability smallholder production trade expansion maize market | Watkins, Kevin |
book |
2750 | Agricultural trade in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: Synthesis of the case studies on cassava and rubber production and trade in GMS countries. | cassava rubber production trade | book | cdri working paper series no. 46 |
2747 | Agricultural trade in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: The case of cassava and rubber in Cambodia. | cassava production cultivation trade rubber products Cambodia | Vutha, Hing; Vathana, Thun |
book | cdri working paper series no. 43 |
219 | Agricultural trade policy in Asia. | Indonesia Philippines Thailand trade policies agricultural trade policies trade | book |
5435 | Agricultural trade reforms key to reducing poverty. | poverty reduction agricultural trade | serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
7121 | Agricultural tramline makes hauling of produce easier. | tramline Bicable Tramline System vegetables farm inputs | Cariaga, Karen Mei R. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15463 | Agricultural Transformation for Small (Island and Developing) States | agricultural transformation; food security; small island developing states | Teng, Paul; Montesclaros, Jose Ma Luis |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |